Call for applications to participate in the free Creative Lab Naples training course for young people between the ages of 18 and 35 with entrepreneurial ideas with a cultural and social vocation expires on January 21st, 2019.
Creative Lab Napoli is the training and laboratory path – coordinated by prof. Lello Savonardo of the Department of Social Sciences of the “Federico II” University of Naples in collaboration with Youth Local Observatory (OTG), Fondazione Idis-Città della Scienza, Mad Entertainment srl and Ufficio K srl - which intends to create a bridge between the territory, businesses and cultural institutions, providing the interpretative keys and the most effective tools to enhance the different forms of youth creativity in order to promote new forms of social entrepreneurship, also through the use of digital communication technologies. The aim of the course is to train, in the participants, a digital culture of business, to enhance and optimize creative and expressive skills that can be developed in order to encourage the creation of new businesses and projects with cultural and social vocation.
In particular, training activities – organized by Youth Local Observatory (OTG) of the Department of Social Sciences of the “Federico II” University of Naples and Città della Scienza - displayed at the Na.Gio.Ja Youth Center for a total of 20 meetings, will cover different topics related to the creative and cultural industry, social innovation, marketing and business communication.
The training experience will also be enriched by a film and music festival curated by Mad Entertainment srl and Ufficio K srl.
Course is promoted by the Councilorship for Youth, Creativity and Innovation of the Municipality of Naples, leader of the partnership of the project “Na.Gio.Ja._Buiding Opportunities“, admitted for funding under the Public Notice of the Campania Region “Youth wellbeing Let’s organize” “.
The call for applications expires on 21st January 2019 and is available at the following address: http://www.comune.napoli.it/costruiamo-opportunita
Call is available: http://www.comune.napoli.it/costruiamo-opportunita
Info: infogiovani@unina.it, ph. 0812535815.