Monday June 13th,
at La Feltrinelli, Martiri Square, Naples
by Centro Studi – Città della Scienza
5 pm “Physica in Fabula” by Associazione Ponys – Physics & Optics Naples Young Students
Physics and literature will meet: even literary places can become the gateway to the discovery of the physical laws that govern our daily experience. Reading literary steps accompany the realization of simple experiments on an exciting journey between science and art, imagination and reality.
6 pm “The imperfect birth of things” presentation of Guido Tonelli book.
Guido Tonelli, Cms Emeritus spokeperson at CERN, Giovanni La Rana, director of the Naples INFN – National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Bruno Bartoli, physicist at the University of Naples Federico II, Gaetano Manfredi, dean of the University of Naples Federico II, Vittorio Silvestrini, Città della Scienza president.
Luigi Amodio,Città della Scienza Director as moderator.