Registration to the second cycle of the Lab Contamination Naples is now open, the education project of university that promotes the creation of start-ups and innovative companies, for students belonging to universities from Campania.
Organized by the Department of Social Sciences of the University of Naples Federico II, Naples CLab is promoted by the Ministry of Education MIUR and the MISE, under the call Start-Up Line 4, in collaboration with the Department of Youth, Innovation and Creativity the Municipality of Naples DIcDEA , Department – Civil, Design, Construction and Environment Engineering of the Second University of Naples, Fondazione IDIS-Città della Scienza in Naples and several partners from the business world, new media and cultural industry.
The CLab Naples promotes the culture of entrepreneurship, innovation and do, interdisciplinarity and new models of learning through paths of “contamination” among students of different disciplines, in order to encourage the development of a digital culture of enterprise , enhance knowledge, skills, languages and creative ideas as well as the creation of innovative and cultural projects. It is open to students of all universities in Campania, the Conservatory of Music San Pietro a Majella and the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples.
Four strategic areas: Green Economy, Smart Technology, Art and Design, Media and Cultural Industry.
The training course is totally free for 30 students who will be selected; 5 seats are also reserved for young people, coming from the world of business and the professions, even in the absence of the requirement of enrollment at the University.
The first cycle of the Lab Contamination Naples, just completed, has given birth to seven business projects:
VASCITOUR – experiential Tourism in typical Neapolitan house, ‘ vasci’. It’s won competition “Social Change Weekend” sponsored by Project Ahead winning two months of incubation in Paris or Cambridge.
PAESA - market place for experiential tourism, enhancing the skills of local artisans and people interested in learning them.
EVA - platform that provides a public and private interpreter services LIS, live or streaming for hearing impaired.
POSSO – platform that provides, through the use of social networks and communities, access to the territory to people with disabilities, for a comfortable city for disadvantaged people.
ATIPICO – startup that designs and manufactures glasses, 100% custom, thanks to the support of a three-dimensional model of the face of the customer and the technology of 3D printing.
ARTERIA – cultural social network that connects emerging artists, amateurs, galleries and museums.
JUST IN RADIO – digital and interactive platform, through a system of geolocation, allows to know in real time the events that take place on the territory using the web radio as a channel of information, dissemination and analysis.
For applicants fill the form:
Deadline May 15th, 2015:
Call available at: and
To deepen the theme of Contamination Lab, see MIUR and MISE guidelines: