Rewind: a virtual tour on Naples in migration – from June 5

Città della Scienza hosts a multimedia exhibition on the theme of migrations in Naples. Visitors will have the opportunity to employ interactive tools to discover the different aspects of migration to and from Naples in the past as in the present. During the tour, visitors will have access to video stories, data on the presence of migrants in Campania, maps, games to test their level of knowledge on migration and much more!

Naples in migration will be opened with a public event, attended by local institutional authorities, project’s organizers and a number of school students who took part in the educational workshop: the Rewinders.

The Rewinders worked on the planning and production of video interviews on the theme of travel, contributing to the making of Mu.Vi, the virtual musesum of migrations.

The project was realized with the collaboration of the Department of Political Science of the University of Naples “Federico II”.


Ore 10.00 –10.20
Saluti istituzionali e presentazione del Progetto Rewind
a cura della Cooperativa sociale Dedalus e di Città della Scienza

Ore 10.20 –11.30
Visione del Video Rewind – Apprendere dal passato per cambiare il futuro

Ore 11.30 – 12.00
Tavola Rotonda con i Rewinder
Napoli nelle migrazioni – Un viaggio da raccontare

Akbor•Fady•Ibrahim • Centro Nanà
Nabiha e Lello • Liceo Scientifico Statale R. Caccioppoli
Camille e Vicky • I.I.S.S. F.S. Nitti
Maryen e Anastasia • Liceo Ginnasio Statale G.B. Vico
Manuela e Ilenia • Liceo Statale P. Villari

Ore 12.00 – 12.10
Luigi De Magistris•Sindaco di Napoli
Annamaria Palmieri•Assessore alla Scuola e allʼIstruzione del Comune di Napoli
Gabriella DʼOrso•UTG – Prefettura di Napoli

Ore 12.10 – 13.30
Visita di inaugurazione del percorso espositivo
Napoli nelle migrazioni. Un viaggio da raccontare

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