Science Meetings at Ravello Festival 2012


Meetings organized by Fondazione Idis – Città della Scienza

“Internet and the transformation of individual and collective memory”, “The diaries and memories of scientists and their role in scientific research”, “What is memory, how it works and how to make it young for a long time”: these are themes of the “words events” of scientific topic treated, once again, by Città della Scienza, under the direction of our General Director  Luigi Amodio.

“Being on the net” and “sharing information”: the concept of individual and collective memory is quickly changing for everyone. People have to find new forms and rhythms to rediscover the value of communication and sociality. New formidable tools of communication can create new needs for identity and belonging, supporting the irrepressible human need of memory…

From “Letters” by Galileo Galilei to “Perfectly reasonable deviations from the beaten path” by Richard Feynman, to “My first secular and rebel ninety” by Margherita Hack, going through “Autobiography” by Charles Darwin and the correspondences of Lazzaro Spallanzani with scientists at the University of Pavia: memories and autobiographies of scientists often fill the need to explain their intellectual and material commitment. And, very often, they help us to understand how the “world view” that is the intellectual basis of that commitment has influenced our culture.

The disturbance of memory that accompanies aging is undoubtedly the most widespread and popular neuro-psychological deficit. In a world where information is totalizing and the ability to store it is essential, we need to find the answer to questions like theses: such things, beyond medicine, and what strategies can have an important role in keeping “fit” the brain? Choices of life? Play? Socialization? Environmental factors?

Calendar of meetings

Thursday, July 12, 6 p.m.

All the memory in a chip: Internet and the transformation of individual and collective memory


Orazio Miglino, University of Naples “Federico II” – Institute for Cognitive Technologies, CNR, Rome

Simona Panseri, Google Italy Director for Communication and Public Affairs

Saturday, July 28, 6 p.m.

Memories of scientists: diaries and memories of scientists and their role in scientific research


Marco Cattaneo, Director of “Le Scienze”, the italian edition of “Scientific American”

Readings by Maria Meo

Thursday, August 9, 6 p.m.

On the tip of the tongue: what is memory, how it works and how to make it young for a long time


Martine Ammassari-Teule, Institute of Neurobiology, CNR, Rome

Marco Trabucchi, University of Rome – Tor Vergata and President of the Italian Association of Psychogeriatrics

moderated by

Nicola Ferrara, University of Molise


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