Città della Scienza hosts this year the greatest event on marketing and communication in Southern Italy. Leading names of the Italian marketing world confront themselves with the new trends of business and business communication in Naples, from the 30th to the 31st of March. Claudio Gubitosi, founder and artistic director of Giffoni Film Festival, Claudio Curcio, Comicon Napoli executive director, Mirko Pallera, co-founder and editor-in-chief of Ninja Marketing, Fabrizio Barbarossa, author of “Google Marketing”, Mauro Ferraresi, author of “Marketing Esperienziale: come sviluppare l’esperienza di consumo”, Francesco Gallucci, founder of “1to1lab”, the first Emotional Marketing Company and Coordinator of Neuromarketing A.I.S.M. Department: they are just some of the names among the speakers.
Alessandro Mazzù, Manager of Qadra, Neapolitan marketing and communication agency, creator of the event, says that “WebUpDate aims to be an annual refresher appointment, for analyzing and sharing new tools for marketing and communication addressed to companies, experts, students, all people involved in this field.”
The 2011 Edition focused on Business and Social Media had more then 600 partecipants (250 guests and 420 in streaming) with the partecipation of international speakers, such as Robin Good, Derrick de Kerkchove, Daniele Pitteri.
The meeting, sponsored by SR LABS, company specialized on the development of eye-tracking applications and technological advice, NAD School and the confectionary factory Il Galletto, is now at its third edition, dedicated this year to the experiental marketing,from the customer experience in the store up to the user experience on the Web, through geolocalization and mobile marketing, social networks, new technologies.
The event is organized with the patronage of Comune di Napoli, Federico II and Suor Orsola Benincasa Universities, API (Association of Neapolitan Small & Medium Business) and in partnership with Metropolis Network, Il Denaro, Radio Capri, Radio Yacht Sunsation, R.U.N. Radio, the digital magazines Mediaforum and Netforum, and the main professional associations.
Free entrance. For registration, please visit WEBUPDATE.