Città della Scienza, in collaboration with INAF-Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte, the Department of Medicine and Medical Biotechnology of the University of Naples Federico II, the Turtle Point of Portici and the Union of Neapolitan Astrophiles, on the occasion of the XXIX Week Scientific and Technological Culture, offers schools and visiting families seminars on the history of science and techniques, scientific news, reflection on the foundations of science and on the ethical-political implications of scientific and technological research; didactic activities, and scientific demonstrations in order to guarantee permanent updating and to increase and qualify the rate of technical-scientific culture in the school world.
The purpose of the Scientific and Technological Culture Week is to mobilize all the skills and energies of the country to encourage the most widespread diffusion of a solid and critical technical-scientific culture. In particular, the Week stimulates the opening of effective communication and exchange channels between the universe of civil society on one side, and the complex structure of the Research System (university , public and private research institutions, museums, companies, associations, etc.), on the other one.
It is also the tool to experiment and promote the ambitious project developed and supported by MIUR to create a national system of permanent institutions (museums, centers and cities of science and technology, universities, academies, etc.), engaged in the task to guarantee citizens up-to-date and certified technical-scientific information, while at the same time enhancing the technical-scientific heritage of which our country is very rich.

March 2nd
Title: Sea turtles: the “ambassadors” of sea health
Topic: Ocean health: resources, sustainability, pollution
March 3rd
Title: The marine abysses
Topic: Ocean health: resources, sustainability, pollution
March 4th
Preventive vaccines and therapeutic vaccines for cancer
Topic: Movements of populations and endemic diseases and biomedical aspects of the relationship with health
March 5th
Are we alone in the universe?
Theme: man and universe: the role of science in defining the origin of life
March 6th
Reprogram the cells to regenerate the heart
Topic: The fourth industrial revolution and available technologies
Preventive vaccines and therapeutic vaccines for cancer
Topic: Movements of populations and endemic diseases and biomedical aspects of the relationship with health
March 7th
The marine abysses
Topic: Ocean health: resources, sustainability, pollution
March 8th
Live Show “All the Colors of the Stars” by UAN
Theme: The discovery of the expansion of the Universe. The 130-year anniversary of Edwin Hubble’s birth and the astrophysics revolution
Speaker: Paolo Palma,
UAN – Union of Neapolitan Astrophiles in collaboration with the Fondazione Idis-Città della Scienza
Climate change VS Oceans
Theme: Ocean health: resources, sustainability, pollution