International Call for Best Sustainable Development Practices on food security – Expo 2015

Expo Milano 2015 has launched a call aimed at the recognition and promotion of “Best Sustainable De-velopment Practices on Food Security”. This actioncontributes to the establishment of the Expo Milano 2015 legacy.

In the framework of “Feeding the Planet, energy for Life”, the announcement is intended to collect, raiseawareness, and share experiences that have produ-ced ameliorative effects, compared to the previous conditions, in their specific area: environment , social and economic context, private sector, institutions, politics, science.

The Best Practices collection and recognition is supported by the Feeding Knowledge Program, in collaboration with METID-Politecnico di Milano and CHIEAM Bari, which aims at establishing an inter-national scientific network for research and inno-vation to promote and transfer knowledge on foodsecurity, and at contributing to the identification of policies and programs that really meet sustainable development criteria.


Eligible candidates

Candidate’s initiatives should be originated from the collaboration among at least 3 different entities of social, economics, private, public and scientific sectors. The entities participating in the initiative should identify one of them to act as Lead Applicant.

The Lead Applicant should belong to one of the fol-lowing categories:

  • Governments (including bilateral aid agencies), local authorities/bodies, public agencies and their associations;
  • Inter-governmental organizations and Interna-tional agencies;
  • Civil society organizations or networks (NGOs, associations, public or private foundations);
  • Business community (SMEs, large enterprises, mi-cro/social enterprises and their associations);
  • Research and academic bodies;
  • Public-private partnerships.


All the BSDP on Food Security admitted to the competition will be published and promoted through Feeding Knowledge web platform.

The 15 selected will have high visibility in the Expo Milano 2015 site:

  • Exhibition in Pavilion 0
  • Dedicated workshops to transfer the experiences
  • Possibility to provide dissemination and promotional materials
  • Repository on Feeding Knowledge web platform.

Among the three BSDP selected for each thematic priority, one identified as the most performant will become the subject of a movie produced by Expo 2015. The others will be illustrated in photo stories. During the 6 months of the exposition, BSDP will become alive through the participation of their leaders who will be testi-monials of Expo 2015 around the world; at least three of them, for each of the 15 BSDPs selected, will have the opportunity to expose their successful stories within the Expo scenario.


Call for Best Practices

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