Today, Thursday, July 14th , in the Nigra room of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Città della Scienza CEO Vincenzo Lipardi, introduced by Min. Plen. Fabrizio Nicoletti, Head of Unit for Science and Technology Dg Country -System, presented the program of internationalization of research and innovation systems between Italy and China that Città della Scienza coordinates at national level for MIUR Ministry of Education whose annual event the Italy- China Science, Technology & Innovation Week will be held October 25th to 27th in the cities of Bergamo, Bologna and Naples.
The round table, which saw the participation of key national stakeholders on the subject of Italy-China cooperation, was opened by the Scientific Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Italy, Cao Jianye who underlined the importance for China. Following Fabrizio Cobis, responsible for the Ministry of Education of the Italy-China program, which outlined the strategic objectives of the program.
During the presentation of Città della Scienza , about the national program, CEO Lipardi said “Città della Scienza, as coordinator on behalf of the Ministry of Education of Italy-China cooperation platform, got the goal of cooperating with China as a National system, in a systematic and unified way. Today we have this double work plan: the China table built by MAECI and the Italy Innovation Forum sponsored by the Ministry of Education which connect the Italian and Chinese research and technology system , turning from an institutional cooperation to a strategic cooperation. The objective is to spread the culture of cooperation with China on a national level. “
That means another significant Institutional stage in preparation of next October which strengthens Italy-China cooperation and strategic internationalization activity of Città della Scienza.