On the occasion of the Epiphany feast, Città della Scienza is waiting for you on January 6 for a very special day! There will be a scientific focus on the properties of gold, incense and myrrh, thanks to the Federazione Orafi Campani (Goldsmiths Federation of Campania). You will discover why gold has always been the favored one among the metals.
Moreover, the herbalists Marcella D’Apone e Marina Cassese from the herbalist’s shop Il Chiostro will show you the medical properties of incense, myrrh and many other plants. During the day, at the Children’s Workshop there will be activities for all ages: animation activities with Giangi Animation, laboratories with Ludobus artingioco, entertaining activities with the Ospedale dei Pupazzi by SISM. For young and old, at Città del Gusto will held workshops for learning to do sweets, showing the expertise of Perugina’s chocolate manufacturers.
At the Planetarium will be shown the play “La Stella di Betlemme” (The Star of Bethlehem).