Next April 27th at Città della Scienza in Naples there will be an important meeting “Development roads”, second stage of the celebration of Centenary of the Industrial Union Naples.
There will be present: Ministry Claudio De Vincenti, Campania Region President Vincenzo De Luca,Mayor of Naples Luigi De Magistris, President of Confindustria Vincenzo Boccia and deputy mayor Stefan Pan, Industrial Union president Ambrogio Prezioso, Invitalia CEO Domenico Arcuri and several experts Ennio Cascetta, Maria Ludovica Agrò, Armando Brunini, Ferruccio Izzo, Giacomo Rispoli, Paolo Urbani.
The meeting is an opportunity to talk about the opportunities and limits of urban regeneration and regeneration processes, also taking into account good practices and experiments led in other areas: the recovery and revival of large spaces of the city of the South of Italy, is in fact the main challenge to be faced and one of the greatest opportunities for economic and employment growth, thanks to the new technologies and opportunities that the knowledge economy brings with it.
Istituzioni, imprese ed esperti si confronteranno su questi due aspetti, con l’obiettivo di arrivare ad un unico modello di Governance per la costruzione di una vera e propria Rete delle Reti in grado di sostenere e rendere competitive, tenendole insieme, filiere produttive e nuove forme di sviluppo ad alto valore aggiunto, accesso a nuovi mercati e sperimentazione di nuovi spazi di imprenditorialità.
Institutions, businesses and experts will try to achieving a single Governance model for the construction of Networks pable of sustaining and making it competitive by keeping them together, productive and new High-value-added development, access to new markets, and experimentation of new business ventures.
Free participation.