Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 last weekend in Città della Scienza before the summer break. The Science Centre will reopen to the public Tuesday, September 18, with the usual winter hours. This closure period will be used for maintenance, installation of new intercative scientific exhibits, and especially for the preparation of exhibitions that, from October 3, will enrich the XXVI edition of Futuro Remoto: “Factories of the Sky”. This year, the major manifestation for the spread of science and technologies speeds things up: in fact, Futuro Remoto is part of the International Astronautical Congress, the World Space Expo to be held in Napoli from 1 to 5 October: interactive exhibits, meetings with scientists and astronauts, film festivals, so much science fiction …
And the “Smart EDUcation and TECHnology days – 3 days for the school“: this year will be held from 10 to 20 October, during Futuro Remoto, and it will allow schools more opportunities to meet new technologies, enjoy moments of reflection and to update on new digital italian school. Do not miss, from 4 to 6 October, the “Commandments for the XXI Century“, a meeting with leading names of science, economy and Italian culture to make the point about the future that awaits us, its values, its challenges.
We are waiting for you to live an autumn in the name of science and future! Meanwhile, have a good time in your summer break.