More than 1000 participants, mostly young people, students and researchers from all over Italy, at Città della Scienza for the official presentation of the Open BioMedical Initiative (OBM), nonprofit organization structured in a Global active community in the field of the application of low-cost technologies, open source and 3D printing in Biomedical sector. Luigi Amodio, General Manager of Città della Scienza, underlined the importance of this event especially in light of the forthcoming opening of the FabLab of Citta ‘della Scienza and Corporea, the Museum of the Human Body.
3.0 community made up by volunteers united by passion and expertise who share the dream to change the face of Biomedical. Goal is to create projects that help people in a practical and innovative thanks to open source and the 3D printing at the lowest possible cost, making the biomedical devices accessible to anyone regardless of geographic location and the economic availability. OBI works for a Biomedica not substitute but supplementary to the traditional one.
During the workshop at Città della Scienza people have worked concretely to the design and construction in 3D. The choice to host and collaborate in this project is synergistic for Città della Scienza respect to the initiatives on which the science centre will be engaged in the near future: the opening in 2016 of Corporea, the first Italian interactive museum devoted entirely to the human body, and the project FabLab, new workshop / laboratory of advanced design and digital fabrication, opening soon, where you carry out research, development, advanced training, education technologies and methodologies of ‘maker’.
More over Open BioMedical Initiative is a reality synergistic with companies with high levels of technological innovation that are hosted in the Incubator of Città della Scienza, the space dedicated to startups, – recognized by European mark EC-BIC, member of BIC Italy Net and node of Re Network – original model in the Italian contest, which provides assistance to the business development of young companies.