His Excellency the Ambassador of Burkina Faso, Mr Raymond Balima, visited Città della Scienza. He was accompanied by the first Councilor of the Embassy, Mr Saidou Zongo, and by the Press Office Manager of the Embassy, Mr Jean-Marie Ky. The Honorary Consul in Naples, Mr Jacopo Fronzoni, was also part of the delegation. Ambassador Balima and his collaborators were really interested in visiting the Science Center; they also visited the business incubator and the event space. After the visit the delegation met the President and the Managing Director of Città della Scienza and even if it was an official meeting it took place in a really friendly mood. During the reunion the mutual collaboration on cooperation projects, particularly on scientific communication, in which Città della Scienza is engaged in the Western Africa was reaffirmed and the Ambassador ensured its attention to their further development.
Moreover, Mr Balima particularly appreciated the activities Città della Scienza aims at working out towards the Burkinabé community and the others immigrants communities in Naples.
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