by Delphis Oceano Mare
Sunday, April 17th at Città della Scienza whales and dolphins will be the great protagonists of the exhibition the Sea! Oceanomare-Delphis Onlus Association, a non-profit organization will be present. It works on the study and protection of cetaceans and ecosystems in which they live. In particular, at 12 o clock, Daniela Silvia Pace the President will explain to the public not only which are the species of cetaceans present in our sea and how to identify them, but also how each of us can contribute directly or indirectly to their protection. There are several projects, in fact, the citizens’ involvement in the monitoring and protection of whales and dolphins.
On the occasion of the event we will populate our virtual aquarium of whales and dolphins colored and designed by children, while a science show will show the common features and differences between the cetaceans of our seas!

Foto di: Oceanomare Delphis
A common whale in the waters of Nisida A small whale sighted in the waters of #Nisida a few tens of meters from Città della Scienza. Probably a fin whale (fin whale). We await confirmation from our friends Oceanomare-Delphis Onlus. She was curious to visit our exhibition on #MARE:) (Movie Franco Fiorino)
Posted by Città della Scienza on Thursday, April 7th, 2016