The World Wide Telescope (WWT) is an innovative informatic tool for the popularization of science and the educational activities on Astronomy, realized by Microsoft Research. You can download it for free on World Wide Telescope.Org. WWT is now linked with the new robotic telescope in Monte Sant’Angelo, campus of Federico II University of Naples, by the astrophysician Giuseppe Longo. An important tool now available for a shortlist of schools of Campania.
For this reason, Città della Scienza launches a contest addressed to the classes of Campanian high schools. Every class taking part in the contest can present only one video realized with the World Wide Telescope. Teachers who want propose their classes can learn all details in the notice you can dowload beyond. The videos will be assessed by a panel of experts from the Faculty of Physics of Federico II University and from the National Institute for Astrophysics, together with a member of the Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte and of the Planetarium of Città della Scienza.
The best work will be awarded during the WWT.IT event at Città della Scienza on May, 20. The winning class will have a free entrance at Città della Scienza during the 26th edition of Futuro Remoto, since next October, together with a free entrance to the Planetarium. The winning class will have moreover the right to use the telescope of Monte Sant’Angelo for six nights.