The idea of the China-Italy Technology Transfer Centre was launched in 2010 on the basis of the memorandum of understanding signed between the Chinese Government and the Italian Government and it was successively reaffirmed in the Joint Statement of 2012, where it was identified as a strategic tool to support the bilateral cooperation.
The China-Italy Technology Transfer Centre is promoted by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, the University of Bergamo, Netval-Network for the Promotion of University Research, the University of Naples Federico II and Città della Scienza. From Chinese side, it is promoted by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and the partner is the Beijing Municipality Science and Technology Commission (BMSTC), an organization belonging to MOST in charge for the implementation of industrial policy and in particular for the internationalization of research strategy to foreign markets.
In order to promote the internationalization of the innovative research-entrepreneurial systems between China and Italy, economic synergies and scientific and technological research collaborations, the China-Italy Technology Transfer Center aims to:
- Strengthen the services platform offered to research centers, universities and enterprises of both countries, in order to support the technology transfer, business matching, the realization of joint projects, the development of new businesses (spin-out , startup, spin-off);
- Strengthen the organizations and companies capacity to present and develop business opportunities in order to encourage investments and help their localization in both countries;
- Develop the capacity of innovation of organizations and companies in both countries and nurture talents in the field of technological innovation;
- Create an Italian-Chinese platform in order to support the management and promotion of intellectual property and for the integration of technological resources of both countries;
- Encourage the mobility of researchers, students, professors and professionals between the two countries by promoting professional exchanges and high-training courses.
In the next five years, the China-Italy Technology Transfer Center will provide the following activities in order to achieve these objectives:
- Development of a technology platform as a tool for the organization of services for Italian and Chinese users;
- Organization of opportunities for exchange between the two countries, such as forums, conferences, business matching conventions in order to present the progress in the field of research and technology and the development trends and to promote dialogue between the two countries, exploring opportunities cooperation;
- Dissemination of current information related to bilateral scientific and technological cooperation, according to the demands and the offer of the two countries;
- Organization of visits and exchanges, on a regular or occasional basis, among institutes, universities and companies to share experiences and best practices and promote cooperation;
- Provision of economic and financial consulting services in the sphere of protection and promotion of intellectual property, consulting on legal aspects/fiscal and regulators on both Italian and Chinese sides;
- Organization of training/high-training programs, seminars, forums and other academic and non-academic activities