The promotion of the cooperation between Italy and China on the topic of innovation, science and technology is the main objective of the Italian Government and the core focus of the activities of Città della Scienza toward China about the internationalization of the research-entrepreneurial innovative systems.

The China-Italy Science, Technology & Innovation Program offers services and networking and business matching activities in order to create new relationships, start partnerships and support the internationalization process among Italian and Chinese research institutes, universities and enterprises.

The main focus of the program is the China-Italy Science, Technology & Innovation Week, the annual matching event, alternately organized in Italy and China, which brings together in a single format, according to the back-to-back formula, the China- Italy Innovation Forum and the Sino-Italian Exchange Event. Here Italian and Chinese operators have the opportunity to exchange information, present their technologies, take part in B2B meetings with the aim of strengthening cooperation and business opportunities and to promote joint projects.

The Program is promoted by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) and the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and is coordinated and managed by the Città della Scienza  in partnership with the BMSTC (Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission) and BAST (Beijing Association for Science & Technology). Furthermore it includes the participation in events, fairs, conferences and missions organized in the two countries in the fields of international technology transfer, innovation, science and technology.
