Messaggi dal mondo

EU Commissioner for Research
II was deeply shocked when I heard about the fire that destroyed the Città della Scienza. This represents a terrible loss for the Italian and European science communities, but especially for the many thousands, including children adn teenagers, who have benefited directly from the site’s activities.
The establishment of the Città della Scienza by the Fondazione IDIS was an ambittious project to make science and the dissemination of scientific and technological information key elements in the social, cultural and economic ‘renaissance’ of Bagnoli. The Città della Scienza succeeded in its mission, becoming a model of societal engagement in science.
The Città della Scienza has been, and will continue to be a valuable partner in EU research projects in the fields of science communication, gender and public engagement in the framework of Science in Society and beyond. We highly value your centre’s contribution to the dissemination of science, and we are ready to offer what support we can at this critical moment.
Isend my warm wishes and express my solidarity to you and your staff and to the wider community of professionals, students and citizens currently engaged in supporting the reconstruction of the centre, with the hope that you can rapidly resume your activities.

President of the European Research Council
On behalf of the European Research Council, I would like to express my solidarity to all the employees of the Città della Scienza and the people of Naples after the tragic fire that devastated the site. The Città della Scienza is not only an outstanding museum and a model of scientific dissemination. It is also a symbol of hope and an example of social and economic development through education and research. I am delighted that a part of the Città della Scienza has been recently reopened to the public, thanks to the admirable engagement of the local, national and international communities. I am also happy to announce that the ERC would like to organise in the premises of the Città della scienza one of its next meetings with scientists, to further express its sympathy and encouragement. I deeply hope that the reconstruction efforts will continue and that the wishes of so many people, especially the youngest ones, to see the Città della Scienza “ancora più bella” will be granted.

ECSITE – European network of science centres and museums
The staff of Città della Scienza need to know that Ecsite stands in solidarity with them and that our network will do everything possible to help regain what has been lost,” says Catherine Franche, Executive Director of Ecsite. “Città della Scienza is a European icon in the promotion of scientific culture and public engagement with science and its institutional essence cannot be destroyed,” says Robert Firmhofer, President of Ecsite and Executive Director of Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw, Poland. “The Ecsite network offers its Europe-wide support,” he adds. Reinforcing the notion that a science centre is more than the sum of its four walls, Città della Scienza is described on the Ecsite website as “above all a place where the informal and democratic dissemination of scientific knowledge becomes the lever for a new economic development. The history of the Fondazione IDIS-Città della Scienza is the history of a construction in southern Italy, of a new model of general development: a cultural and economic model to avoid the decline and enter into the Society of Knowledge”. Full statement

President of Ecsite, the European network of Science Centres and Science Museums, Director of Copernicus Science Centre, Warsaw, Poland
I am deeply moved to hear of the tragic fire, that destroyed tonight Città della Scienza. On behalf of the Ecsite community and Copernicus Science Center team I would like to express our deepest sympathy knowing the sorrow you must feel. Please accept our solidarity and support in this difficult time. You can count on your friends all over Europe and in Poland.

Director of Ecsite, Brussels
As I wrote, I cried for you. Like many others. Cried against the obscurantism that prevails over lightness. And now it’s your tremendous courage that makes me weep. We have loads of people emailing to ask what they can do. I’m willing to coordinate a ampaign but need to know what would be of help. Many are offering to send exhibits that you could spread all over the city or set up in a location.

ASTC Establishes Science Museum Crisis Relief Program to Help Support Città della Scienza and Similar Science Institutions Facing Disasters
The Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) and all of its member institutions are deeply saddened by the recent news of the tragic fire that devastated the Città della Scienza in Naples, Italy. This interactive museum was regarded as a unique and valued scientific and cultural symbol in its local community and throughout Europe. Science centers and museums everywhere share in the deep sense of loss that accompanies this unfortunate disaster.
As a global organization with members throughout the world, ASTC has been moved by this recent catastrophe to establish a new initiative, the Science Museum Crisis Relief Program, to assist in every way possible the emergency needs of Città della Scienza and other science museums faced with similar unexpected and catastrophic circumstances. Through this effort, ASTC resolves to mobilize support wherever possible to help restore and revitalize museums like Città della Scienza in times of greatest need. full statement

Deputy Vice-president of the European Parliament
“The fire of this night is an attack against civilization and democracy. Naples, and with it the whole country, once again sees the seeds of future and redemption destroyed: we have to commit ourselves immediately, as institutions and citizens, for the rebuilding of the infrastructures and of the civil society of our city”. The deputy vice-president of the European Parliament, Gianni Pittella, condemns in these terms the destruction of Città della Scienza. “My sympathy and my support – he continues – go to the City of Naples and the managing authorities who have achieved with this initiative extraordinary results for the dissemination and involvement of young people on the study of science and research. My convinced support and my invitation not to give up also goes to the many companies that are springing up thanks to public support in the area of Bagnoli. I’m sure that the prosecutor of Naples will soon light on the facts, bringing to justice those who is responsible”.

European parliamentarian, president of the Petitions Committee, member of the Committee for the Regional Development
Naples has been wound to the heart, by hitting an important symbol of hope. Città della Scienza has crumbled quickly in a fire that devoured beams, walls and structures, but the spirit of the project must not die in one night. Put aside the understandable discomfort, I urge you to immediately relaunch with new ideas and projects in order to seize on the official commitment by the EU Commission. A warm and heartfelt greeting.

French Ambassador in Italy
Dear Professor Silvestrini, it is with deep emotion that I learned this morning the news of the fire that last night devastated Città della Scienza. I had the pleasure of visiting Città della Scienza in his company on last December 14. At that time, I appreciated the excellent work of scientific dissemination realized by the science museum, as well as the valuable work carried out by business incubators. Together, these two bright and well-established entities, in addition to represent a project of rebirth and redemption of the city, have even more represented one of the most advanced Italian initiatives for the creation of a comprehensive system of dissemination and transfer of scientific and technological knowledge. Strong is therefore my hope that Città della Scienza will reopen its doors as soon as possible and will continue to sustain, in the future, collaborations and exchanges, among them the ones already established with the Institut Français of Naples, the archaeological Centre Jean Bérard, and the Office for science and technology of the French Embassy in Italy.

Israeli Ambassador in Italy
By having learned the tragic news of the terrible fire that has so tragically devastated Città della Scienza, I wish to express my heartfelt closeness and sincere dismay for what happened. The memory of my visit to the facility, on 7th June 2012, is particularly vivid in me, as well as the impression of modernity and dynamism that it was possible to breathe. My regret is deep for a structure with a very high cultural and educational value, which was able to incline the youngsters and amateurs toward the world of science and technological innovation. I hope that Città della Scienza will soon be rebuilt and back to bring prestige to the city of Naples and the whole Italy. In this regard, I wish to express Israel’s willingness to contribute to the reconstruction, with the contribution of experts and advisers.

Palestinian Ambassador in Italy
Please accept, my dear Professor Silvestrini, my senses of the highest esteem and consideration, and my personal closeness to the disastrous fire that on last Monday night struck Città della Scienza, a scientific hub of global importance. Sympathetic in this time of loss, I wish to reiterate the collaboration between Città della Scienza and the Palestinian universities. I want to seize the day, Mr President, to renew the assurances of my highest esteem and consideration.

Ghassan W. Shakaa
Major of Nablus, Palestine
I am writing to extend solidarity to you and the citizens of Naples after the damage of Città della Scienza caused by fire. I was deeply saddened, and I wonder who may have interests in this atrocity, hard to bear for the citizens of Naples that are always present in our minds and in our thoughts.
However, while I am sure that Naples will recover from these dark moments, I wish you, to your city and citizens, the strength to regain and restore Città della Scioenza quickly.

Direttore Third World Accademy of Science
It is with profound sadness that we learnt about the devastating fire that destroyed your city of science a few days ago. I know from colleagues and from the Italian scientific community that your complex was one of the most active and highly esteemed science center and business incubator in Italy, and that it was also well-known abroad for its excellent science museum, its educational mission, and its valuable conferences. I also know that people from Naples are courageous when confronted with challenges. I’m sure you will have great strength, and great support from your many friends and supporters, as you prepare to undertake this enormous new initiative in name of science, culture, and the common good. Please feel free to call our Academy shall you need moral support or if you feel that we could be of help to rise public awareness for your cause. In the meantime please accept my sincere good wishes for the future of city of science.

CLAUDIE HAIGNERÉ, CEO Universcience, La Villette, Paris, France
We are deeply shocked by the terrible news concerning Citta de la scienza. I do hope there is no victim, we read it was the closing day. On behalf of all your friends and colleagues in Universcience, please extend our sympathy to all your staff in those difficult circumstances. Bon courage

Director Experimentarium, Copenhagen, Denmark
I am shocked by the news from Napoli. I am glad to learn that no person has been harmed. But the dream that you have worked for – now for more than 25 years – has turned into a nightmare. I pray that you will be able to find a way out this misery!

Director, Heureka, the Finnish Science Centre, Helsinki
what terrible news about Citta! I hope no one was hurt? Enormous material damage! My heart goes out to all of you – hope you are safe and sound!

Presidente Ciência Viva – Agência Nacional para a Cultura Científica e Tecnológica
The Ciência Viva would like to express our deepest sympathy and warmest thoughts to the colleagues of Fondazione IDIS- Città della Scienza, in Naples, in Italy, following the fire that destroyed their buildings. It is a great loss for the science engagement field and for the European public. As a founding member of Ecsite and a leading partner in many European project, Città della Scienza has always been a meeting place for science, innovation and wonder. The Pavilion of Knowledge has an intense collaboration with Città della Scienza since many years. We stand with you at this difficult time and offer the support and friendship from the entire Network of Ciência Viva Science Centers In Portugal. Warmest regards, Rosalia Vargas

Generaldirektor Deutsches Museum

Dear colleagues,
the Deutsches Museum would like to express its sincerest condolences to you and your staff in this tragic situation. We were deeply shocked by the news of the fire and mourn the loss of the Città della Scienza exhibitions. Over the past years we have greatly appreciated our collaborations in various European projects, especially in my personal field of nanotechnology. Now it feels like we have lost a close friend. As we know, the idea for the Città della Scienza came from the ashes of the failed Italsider steel factory. We sincerely hope that you will again rise from the all too real ashes of this catastrophe and will be able to continue living your dream in Bagnoli. For this we offer you our friendship and support throughout this difficult time. Yours, Wolfgang

Parque de las Ciencias, Andalucia – Granada
El Parque de las Ciencias y su director Ernesto Páramo, miembro de la directiva de ECSITE, se suman al comunicado de la red europea y trasladan su apoyo a este centro, con el que mantienen un acuerdo de colaboración para la difusión de la ciencia en las dos orillas del Mediterráneo: “Mostramos nuestra solidaridad con los profesionales y amigos de la Ciudad de las Ciencias de Nápoles y pedimos a las autoridades de Italia el máximo apoyo para reconstruir un motor de la cultura científica tan emblemático en Europa”

Deutsches Museum, München
I’m sure you received a lot of messages from around the globe regarding the desaster that happended last week to Citta della Scienza. Of course myself and all the Deutsches Museum staff is deeply touched by these very, very sad news and we can only express our deep sympathy to all of you in Napoli! There are a lot of questions coming to our mind and, of course, we would like to offer our support. Please let us know if and how we can support you and the staff in Napoli i this particular situation.

Vice President, Al Quds University, Palestine
I received the news of the fire in the museum with shock and surprise. I knew that on the web, hope that you and all the friends are doing well and in good health and were saved, let me know if I can help in any way. Hope you overcome this tragic incident soon, I am sure you will.

Cultural Outreach Sector, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt
Although what happened is truly sad, but I always think that things happen for a higher good. We just have to think positively and try to find the good in all this mess. I know that all your efforts will be successful in putting the science center on track again. I am sure you will. My heart is with you!

and all the team of the Bloomfield Science Museum Jerusalem, Israel
We keep thinking about you since the night of the fire. We have such great memories from our visits to your wonderful Citta della Scienza, we are sure that you will be able to recover soon, as you are such a wonderful team. We will be glad to help in any way we can, and we wish you all the best.

CEO, Technopolis, the Flemish Science centre, Mechelen, Belgium
No words can express the shock and disbelief the Technopolis team experienced upon hearing about the disaster that struck Città della Scienza. There is simply no describing the loss for the science centre field worldwide. On Monday evening the field lost more than a building; Città della Scienza was a bright shining beacon for its vision on bringing science closer to the people. Still, in these dark and difficult times, it is important to remember that Città della Scienzàs most important asset, its staff and visitors, has remained unharmed. The beloved science centre may have perished in flames, but what it stands for can withstand any fire. The entire Technopolis team is at your disposal to support you in any possible way. Just let us know how we can contribute to get you back on your feet again.

CEO, UK Association for Science and Discovery Centres
The UK Association for Science and Discovery Centres offers support and warmest thoughts to staff at Città della Scienza following fire
One of Europe’s largest and pioneering science engagement institutions, Fondazione IDIS-Città della Scienza, in Naples, Italy was destroyed by fire on Monday evening, 4 March 2013. This sad and shocking event marks a significant loss to Europe’s science engagement field.
The UK Association for Science and Discovery Centres offers its support to all the staff at this hugely difficult time. Città della Scienza is a pioneering and vibrant member of the international science centre world, and a founding member of Ecsite. ASDC and many UK centres have worked closely with the team in Naples for the EU Time for Nano Project and other national and regional projects and know they have a strong and excellent team. Dr Penny fidler, CEO of ASDC said “The Science and Discovery Centres and Museums across the UK want the all staff at Città della Scienza to know that we stand with you at this difficult time and send our warmest wishes, support and friendship.”The beautifully modern Città della Scienza converted an 18th century factory in a former industrial seaside district of Naples into a place of interactive scientific enchantment and curiosity for its visitors and has inspired visitors in many ways, for many years.

Colin Johnson, UK
I am devastated to hear the news of your terrible fire, and it’s hard to imagine how awful you must all be feeling. Perhaps, after a while, you will be able to remind yourselves that “the spirit lives, even though the physical manifestation is lost”.  Of course that’s so true. No fire can destroy the pleasure and benefit that your millions of visitors have gained over the past 15 years, no fire can wipe out your reputation as a world leader in the science centre field, and mercifully no fire has caused injury to any of your people. Your personal losses must be very great, of course, and no-one can minimise those.  I am truly sorry to think how it must be. As you gather your plans for what needs to happen next, I’m sure you will be comforted to know that so many science centre colleagues will be thinking of you, and – more than that – be standing by ready to help in whatever way they can.  Please count me in, if there is anything at all that I can do!

Lena Engelmark Embertsen, Sweden
I am appalled about what I just read in the ECSITE newsletter about the terrible things happened to Citta della Scienza! I still vividly remember the ECSITE conference there and the wonderful facilities you had. How terrible and what a waste! I hope that no-one got hurt and that you soon will be able to find a new place to continue doing the fantastic work you do!!

Andrea Bandelli
Ricercatore in Comunicazione della Scienza e Science Center alla VU University, Amsterdam
La notizia dell’incendio a Città della Scienza mi ha profondamente turbato e vorrei esprimere tutta la mia solidarietà e affetto ai colleghi e amici di Città della Scienza. La Fondazione IDIS-Città della Scienza è sempre stata e continua ad essere un punto d’eccellenza nel panorama internazionale dei science center: è un’istituzione che dimostra, in ogni attività che intraprende, che la scienza è una componente fondamentale per migliorare la società. Ai tanti colleghi che mi chiedono quali sono i science center nel mondo più interessanti da conoscere e visitare, ho sempre indicato Città della Scienza per il modello che propone di integrazione fra scienza, sviluppo economico e attività sociale. Non conosco nessun’altra istituzione che incarni questo modello meglio di voi.
Nonostante la tristezza e lo sgomento di adesso, questo modello ne esce ancora più forte, e vorrei assicurarvi che farò tutto il possibile per aiutare nella ricostruzione.

Jean-Marie Sani
Directeur de projet
Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris
Chers amis, Je viens juste de découvrir le drame dont la Città della Scienza a été victime il y a quelques jours. Je suis complètement abasourdi et je pense à vous autres, mes amis, en premier lieu. J’ai une relation particulière avec la Città, relation qui, maintenant, a 20 ans. J’y suis venu quelques années avant l’ouverture, à l’invitation de M. Coppola… J’ai ensuite vu l’ouverture, et petit à petit les nouveaux espaces qui se sont créés, le succès public, la place que vous avez su occuper dans la ville, la région et le monde professionnel et institutionnel du pays. J’y ai aussi trouvé des amis, comme on s’en fait peu dans la vie professionnelle, une ville et une région que j’ai appris à aimer à travers la dizaine de séjours que j’y ai effectués. Je tiens à vous adresser mon soutien moral d’abord, mais aussi professionnel, je serai à vos côtés, si vous me le demandez pour vous aider à reconstruire la Città della scienza.
Avec toute mon amitié.

CEO, Lascaux, International exhibition, Perigueux – France
Les larmes versées ce matin à Bruxelles, si elles n’éteindrons pas cet ignoble incendie qui a ravagé votre si belle œuvre, témoignent, soit en sûre, d’une sincère amitié qui nous lie et d’une immense tristesse qui nous a envahi quand nous avons appris et pire encore vu, que le feu venait de dévorer “la Città”, l’une des plus belles fiertés de la Ecsite Family.
Nous souffrons pour vous de cet injuste coup du sort, aux moments où l’Italie, l’Europe et l’époque ont tant besoin de Lumières.

Chairman of SAASTEC
On behalf of the SAASTEC Board of Management and the SAASTEC community I wish to extend our sympathy and support. Having visited your science centre a couple of years ago I can attest to its iconic status, not just in Italy, but in Europe and globally. I believe that your global leadership in this respect will continue because of the wonderful people who work for your organisation. We remember well your input and contribution to the SAASTEC community in the past and we wish to emphasise that we will be very willing to assist you in whatever way we can. Please do feel free to contact us in this respect. We wish you strength as you go through this difficult time of rebuilding your legacy.

Planetarium Science Centre, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt
Ìm so sorry to know about the fire happened at the Città della Scienza. I hope you are all ok, and Ìm sure you’ll be back, overcoming this catastrophe, very soon. So sorry for all the Italian people for such a great asset.

Deputy CEO, Techniquest, Cardiff, UK
Your friends at Techniquest wish you the very best as you move forwards, and hope that you will soon rebuild. I am sure that with the hard work and dedication of your staff and the community it will not be long before you are welcoming us again.

CEO, Sci-Bono Discovery Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa
We were horrified to hear the news of the fire. It is a tragedy and we wish you much strength in coping with this disaster. I assume that after everyone has had a chance to overcome the trauma of the fire that a process will start to rebuild and restore. It must surely be the case that an important Neapolitan, Italian and European asset like Città della Scienza must be rebuilt. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your colleagues at this difficult time.

Laurent Chicoineau, Directeur, CCSTI Grenoble, France
A toute l’équipe de la Città della scienza je souhaite un énorme courage et une énorme énergie pour rebâtir et reconstruire une aussi belle Cité.

CEO Continium, Netherlands
Terrible and sad… remember the change you’ve made in some many peopl’s lives which will give you all the strength to continue. If there is anything I can do…

NEMO, Amsterdam, Netherlands
I could not stop thinking about this today. if there will be anything to do to help in the coming months to come I will be more than happy to do what I can. A big hug to all the team there…

ASTC, Washington, USA
Sending condolences for your terrible loss – with admiration for the inspiring example you’ve set for science centers everywhere.

Indian PhD at the University of Camerino
It is a tragic news! I am shocked to know about the accident. Kindly let us know about your support initiatives, we as student contributors would try our best to help you in the noble cause.

Heureka, Helsinki, Finland
I am so sorry about these horrible news. I wish you at Citta Della Scienza will rise again soon. I would be glad to help if there is something I could help with.

Jerusalem Foundation
“Sono venuta a sapere ieri sera del terribile incendio che ha colpito la Città della Scienza e sono ancora incredula. Immagino stiate trascorrendo dei momenti particolarmente difficili. So che la Città della Scienza non è per voi solo un posto di lavoro ma che avete investito enormi energie e molta passione per fare di questo museo uno dei più apprezzati a livello internazionale. Un abbraccio da Gerusalemme. Vi sono vicina.

ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland
Je suis venue visiter la “Città della Scienza” en mai 2012 dans le cadre du projet européen NERA. Ce projet réunis les professeurs des écoles de différents pays européens. J’étais accompagnée par un grand nombre de professeurs anglais, français, suisse, italien….etc… Nous avons trouvé au sein de la “Città” une atmosphère originale et d’excellente qualité pédagogique. Des expériences intéressantes, vivantes, interactives, un passage alliant la poésie( Georges Sand) et les sciences en passant par les jeux interactifs et les arts. Quelle complémentarité et quelle source d’éveil pour nos élèves.!!!!!!!!!!!!! Des jeunes scientifiques passionnés nous ont fait un parcours commenté. Un régal !!!! Je déplore et suis vraiment attristée par cette perte tellement importante pour la diffusion des connaissances.
L’école ne suffit pas pour former nos futurs citoyens, nos futurs scientifiques. Les professeurs ont besoin de la Città comme outil pédagogique, c’est fondamental pour eux. Il en va de même pour les scientifiques. C’est au travers de la Città qu’ils diffusent leurs connaissances, qu’ils informent le publique.

The University of the West Indies, Trinidad
We here at the Seismic Research Centre are saddened to learn of the loss of your Science Centre and even worse that it is possibly arson. This is indeed a tragedy, but I am heartened that your spirits are strong and that the courage to go forward is firm. We wish you every success for a quick return to full operational capacity. Celebrating 60 years of service to the region. Visit our Open House on the last Thursday of each month.

Chief Executive, Museum Victoria, Melbourne
We send our condolences to our colleagues at Citta della Scienza as you face the future after the disastrous fire. Everyone at Museum Victoria in Melbourne, which includes the Scienceworks Museum is distressed at the dreadful news and wishes to express our solidarity with our colleagues in Naples.

King’s College, London
I wanted to send my love and support to you and the wonderful Città della Scienza staff. It is hard to comprehend this enormous tragedy. You all must be in a huge state of shock. Please let me know if there is anyway I can be of help. With great warmth.

Accademia delle Scienze Russa
Ho saputo oggi dall’internet dell’incendio nella Città della Scienza a Bagnoli. Mi rincresce tanto. La mia solidarietà ai tutti voi. Speriamo che vi riesca di ricostruire tutto il più presto possibile. Un saluto e un abbraccio cordiale. Prof. Valerij Ljubin.

European Schoolnet
La notizia dell’incendio alla Città della Scienza ci ha profondamente rammaricato. Speriamo che si possa presto risolvere la situazione nel miglior modo e che sarà possibile ricostruire questa instituzione così importante nel prossimo futuro. Se possiamo in qualche modo essere d’aiuto, nell’ambito delle nostre limitate possibilità, saremmo felici di essere a vostra disposizione. Vi esprimiamo tutta la nostra vicinanza.

Politechnika Warszawska
Ho sentito cosa è successo a Napoli. È una cosa terribile. Vorrei esprimere le nostre più sincere condoglianze e solidarietà dell’Università a Varsavia a Tutti della Città della Scienza. Un abbraccio grandissimo dalla Polonia.

Institut für Erlebnistraining & Projektconsulting, Schroeder-Danninger KG
I just read the news of the Fire at your place … oh my god that is terrible !!!! It looks like everything was destroyed? Is that true? Was anyone harmed of you or your colleague? I deeply hope not!!!!!! I am absolutely shocked – how are you able to go on now? Or are your offices not harmed.. I hope so for you! Just give a sign if you are all right! Thanks and all all the best to you!!

WIN – Association for Interdisciplinary Research, Consulting and Education Science Initiative Lower Austria
With deepest grief we have read about the catastrophe that has hit you. I just found out that I had been to Citta della Scienza for the first time exactly ten years ago, on 2nd March 2003, and instead of celebrating a ten years’ collaboration, we are now mourning. Please accept my and Sonjàs sincerest compassion.

I am truly sorry to hear of the destruction of your great Science Museum thru the fire. What a great loss to the community. I wish you well in the build up of a new Museum – even greater than the one before.
With my warmest regards.

Policy Officer, European Commission, DG Research & Innovation, Unit B6 Ethics and Gender
Talking about Città della Scienza, I just thought I’d share what one of my class mates (now a researcher at the Physical Sciences Department of Naples University) wrote yesterday about it, as her post particularly touched me. You don’t need to be a Neapolitan to feel burning inside while looking at the images of a fire destroying 12000 square meters all at once; but you need to be one to know what Città della Scienza meant to the city (including researchers) and above all to kids and teenagers, in a town where this kind of spaces are rare and precious and where innovation in general is hard to settle.
When you are far away feelings are amplified; and while distant from the mobs, discussions and initiatives on-going there, I feel reassured to know that EU solidarity (including from our own unit) is already in motion!
“… it was 1994, we went on a trip from Genovesi (secondary school) at Città della Scienza, and I fell in love with the experiment Emilio Balzano showed us to measure the linear elastic models. From that day I started to think that I could study physics. Since that day, or ever since I do science, I knew that there is only one way to explain science to the ‘Signora Concetta’, which is through the game. And today the word that describes my mood is disillusion, along with the feeling to have lost the ability to play. We will go on, we will continue to build new and old ideas, help colleagues, as there is no question that a better world is possible. But today I walk around the city looking at others with suspicion, thinking that behind everything there is a criminal mentality that I would like to challenge and punch, and which I wish I could humiliate, or just candidly surprise as children do with the simplicity of their game when confronted with the complex adult life.”

Ambassade de France en Turquie, Istanbul
J’ai pris connaissance de l’incendie dont a été victime en lisant la manifestation de sympathie d’Ecsite. Courage!

Exploratorium, San Francisco
So sorry to hear to the terrible news about the fire at your museum. This is heartbreaking news. Please know that you are in the thoughts of everyone here at the Exploratorium and let us know if there is anything we can do to help.

Chairman of the Board: SAASTEC
On behalf of the SAASTEC Board of Management and the SAASTEC community I wish to extend our sympathy and support. Having visited your science centre a couple of years ago I can attest to its iconic status, not just in Italy, but in Europe and globally. I believe that your global leadership in this respect will continue because of the wonderful people who work for your organisation. We remember well your input and contribution to the SAASTEC community in the past and we wish to emphasise that we will be very willing to assist you in whatever way we can. Please do feel free to contact us in this respect. We wish you strength as you go through this difficult time of rebuilding your legacy.

Scientific Director, Bloomfield Science Museum, Jerusalem
Sono devastato dal vostro disastro, e posso solo mandarvi la mia profonda simpatia.

Director Parque de las Ciencias, Granada – España
Estimados colegas y amigos, Ya sabreis que un desolador incendio ha calcinado la Ciudad de las Ciencias de Napoles, uno e los centros fundadores de ECSITE y pioneros en Europa. Desde de direccion de ECSITE se ha emitido un comunicado que estamos difundiendo todo lo posible a nivel internacional para apoyar a los compañeros de Italia. En la portada de nuestra WEB teneis la informacion, el comunicado, los enlaces y el video. Espero que entre todos hagamos notar nuestro respaldo a los amigos de Napoles.

Project Manager, Ecsite
I read the terrible news about the fire in Naples. My thoughts are with you; don’t hesitate to write or give a call if I can be of help. Catherine is already thinking about the support that the network could give. On my side, I am certain that the KiiCS partners and Third Parties would be more than happy to contribute to any effort needed for your science centre: Città della Scienza will live!

Educational Publications Unit Planetarium Science Center, Egypt
We have just received news from Barbara Gallavotti that there has been a mass fire at the Science City in Naples; we hope you are all well and that the City recovers soon. We hope to hear from you soon; meanwhile, all our warmest regards and thoughts.

Chief Executive, Centre for Life
I was really sorry to hear about the fire. I have no idea how extensive it is but I hope everyone is okay. What a terrible thing to happen. I will be thinking of you all.

Subsecretario, Consejo Pontificio de la Cultura
Apprendo con sgomento e stupore incredulo la notizia dell’incendio della Città della Scienza. Posso solo cercare di immaginare il vostro dolore. Sapete quanto mi sta a cuore questo progetto. Volevo solo dirvi che in questi momenti mi sento al vostro fianco. Contate pure su di me.

Director of the Cape Town Science Centre, South Africa
I would like to express our deepest sympathy for the distress your science centre is currently experiencing. Our thoughts you and all your team members.

President and CEO, Oregon Museum of Science and Industry
I am shocked and saddened to learn about the fire. It is heartbreaking for us and I am sure it is even more so for you. Please know that you and your team are in our thoughts and please call on us if we can help in any way. Remember that out of tragedy, new solidarity can evolve. I hope that, in time, you will see strength emerge from this loss.

Learned through the news, Idis misfortune, BSTCC deeply concerned, I to on behalf BSTCC to express my sincere condolences to all the staff of Idis. Learned that all employees are safe, we are pleased. BSTCC is always the the Idis friends. As always, we will continue to support the the Idis work. We believe that a strong idis will not be knocked down by the difficulties idis future will become better in our common efforts. Best wish for all Idis.

Ciencia Viva, Lisbon
“Dear Anne-Marie, I try to imagine what you are feeling right now. These are tough times. In all southern european countries people is on the streets, without hope. Justice has seemed to abandoned us. But then, we carry on with our lives, I go to my museum everyday and I do my job the best I can, with the conviction that it is worth, that I’m doing my part to create a better society. I do believe that knowledge and education will save us. And now this was taken fromm you. I can’t imagine what is the feeling of seeing a place as La Città being consumed by the flames of ignorance. We are all a little bit confused, wondering how we can help you. I’m sure that La Nuova Città will be even better! A hug from Portugal.”

INGV – Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
“The destruction of cultural symbols have always characterized the most sinister human attitudes, totalitarism and criminal organizations. Increasing the cultural level is the best strategy to fight them. I do hope that you can grow stronger than before.”

The FRAM Museum, Oslo
We would like to send our warmest thoughts to you and all your colleagues at Città della Scienza after the terrible fire at your museum. Mamma mia! This is incredible, a tragedy. We are deeply moved by what has happened.

Unesco, Paris
Questo messaggio di affetto vi arriva in ritardo, ma il dolore nell’apprendere il dramma di Città della Scienza è stato immediato e lacerante. Torneremo tutti a Città della Scienza! Con grande affetto.

Natural History Museum, London
I have just come back to find your news; how horrific. I cannot believe such damage. I know Catherine and Robert have been to see you to see what ECSITE can do to help. I will hear soon I am sure. My thoughts are with you; it must be devastating.

Dès que j’ai appris, par un journal français, l’incendie qui a ravagé la Città della scienza, mon cœur s’est soulevé de tristesse, de détresse, de colère, de dégout…Quelle horreur !!!! Tout ce travail anéanti par la volonté de puissance de quelques-uns, complètement fous, les «fous du fric» ! Avec les fous de Dieu, cela fait trop : décidément, les excès de notre société « globale » comme on le voit, sont destructeurs! Je suis tellement triste pour vous tous qui vous êtes donnés à fond dans ce merveilleux projet : je voudrais que tu le dises à tous ceux que j’ai connus, mais aussi aux autres, et à Vittorio Silvestrini, en tout premier lieu. Cela ne changera rien, malheureusement, mais je voudrais vous dire que vous n’êtes pas seuls… Et j’espère qu’au flashmob de demain, les citoyens napolitains et les autres, seront là !!!! Je serai en pensée avec vous…

Museus da Universidade de Lisboa / Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência (MNHNC)
Centro Interuniversitário de História da Ciência e Tecnologia Comissão Nacional Portuguesa do ICOM
I am still so impressed with what happened that I have not yet had the courage to write you. I simply do not understand how such a terrible fire could have happened. You are probably in a state of shock and once that passes you will need a lot of courage to start over again. You need that courage and you will have friends and colleagues from all over Europe to support you. I want to tell you that I am giving you/the Città two weeks of my holidays to help you, around September or October this year. I will be there for you to help in whatever is needed, we will arrange the dates as it suits you. Moreover, I am planning to take of my students to help too. In terms of immediate needs, what can I do? Is there something I can do from Lisbon? We want to help and offer our solidarity. Please let me know. Courage my dear friend.

Bruns B.V.
We have heard the terrible news that a very large fire has destroyed your museum. We wish you much strength in this difficult time. You can always contact us if we can help you with anything.

Centre Jean Bérard, Naples
Je souhaiterais par ce message t’assurer de mon soutien et de ma solidarité face à l’agression et à la violence que vous venez de subir. Je forme des voeux pour que l’action et les projets de la Città della Scienze se matérialisent rapidement sous une forme ou sous une autre, dans le même esprit d’échange et de collaboration qui caractérise la communauté qui l’anime.

Je ne me suis pas encore manifestée pour te dire combien je pense à vous et combien j’ai été triste d’apprendre ce qui était arrivé à la Citta della Scienza de Naples: un lieu que j’aimais beaucoup… J’ai lu sur internet que vous alliez réouvrir des espaces le 13 avril … Je vous félicite tous si vous y parvenez! Je vous souhaite à tous beaucoup de courage et merci de partager avec tes collègues que je connais mon meilleur souvenir !

Tubutak, Ankara
I’m deeply saddened by the unexpected disaster that you have faced with. I’m sure that you will successfully lead the new start. I wish that you and the rest of the community will never go through such disastrous events again.

Je viens d’apprendre la nouvelle sur la situation par RUE89 qui est un site d’info alternatif. Je suis très touchée par cette situation qui est terrible et vous mets tous dans de grandes difficultés.

Halinka De Visscher
Technopolis, Belgium
First of all I would like to let you know that we are very sorry about the fire at Citta della Scienza! We were all shocked when we heard the news. I hope you and your colleagues are doing well taking into account these difficult circumstances. Is it ok if I write to the partners about the dates of the NetS-EU Comenius conference in Mechelen? Or do you prefer to wait? If I can do something to help you, do not hesitate to contact me.

Silvia Danninger
Institut für Erlebnistraining & Projektconsulting
Schroeder-Danninger KG
I just read the news of the Fire at your place… oh my god that is terrible !!!! It looks like everything was destroyed? Is that true? Was anyone harmed of you or your colleague? I deeply hope not!!!!!! I am absolutely shocked – how are you able to go on now? Or are your offices not harmed.. I hope so for you! Just give a sign if you are all right! Thanks and all all the best to you!!

Marine Paulhiac-Pison
Professeur agrégé de SVT at Education Nationale
I just learned the terrible news. I am so shocked (lost my italian to express it) and I hope you will be fine. I just wanted to let you know that I think a lot about both of you and all the staff at the Citta della scienza. I don’t think I can do much but please let me know if anything can be done.

Manuel CIRA
Head of Cultural Services and International Cooperation Unit, Nausicaá
Directeur, Réseau Océan Mondial  / Director, World Ocean Network. We’ve been thinking strongly about you these last days. We’re happy that nobody has been hurt in this terrible fire and we wish you all the best to brave the immense challenge ahead of you!!!  I will talk to our CEO and colleagues in house, as well as to other World Ocean Network participants to see how we could give you support.  I wish I could  be in Naples with you, doing something to help on the spot… Again, our best wishes!

Jean Virieux
Université de Grenoble, Réseau EduSeis
C’est avec stupeur que j’ai appris la triste nouvelle: ce creuset de rencontres pour la promotion de la science au travers des générations est indispensable. Le rôle joué par la Città della Scienza dans le programme EDUSEIS pour la promotion des géosciences au sein des collèges et des lycées fut de tout premier plan: le rayonnement toujours actif montre cette place indispensable que joue ce maillon important dans la chaine du savoir.