On Friday, September 5, from 3 to 6 p.m. at Città della Scienza (Aula F) will be held a free workshop open to adults and children. During the workshop, participants will engage in an enjoyable creative activity using ancient techniques of Japanese print.
The workshop is just one of the stages of the project “Between Art and Science”, whose purpose is to collect stories from indigenous cultures on the relationship between people and nature and to convert them into educational activities, a small exhibition (which will remain at Città della Scienza from September 5 to 24, open by appointment) and a final publication. The project will involve different academic disciplines, such as biology, ethnobotany, anthropology and history, linked together by the main theme of art and illustration.
During the first stage of the project, in Burkina Faso, and specifically in the area of Orodara, in three Japanese researchers (Naho Yokoya, Mariko Tomomasa and Aki Nagasaka) interacted with populations of some villages in the area of Orodara, under the supervision of Professor Boureima Ouedraogo from the University of Ouagadougou, President of the organization CeRaFoD – Centre de Recherche-Action, de Formation et d’Education pour le Developpement in Environnementale Orodara, Burkina Faso. During the research phase, material has been collected and villagers have been involved in participatory activities on issues of art and science.
Material gathered will be discussed at the end of the participatory workshop on September 5. It will be an opportunity to talk with Neapolitan citizens about very distant cultures such as the Japanese one and the Burkina Faso and to have fun with a game of oriental prints.
To attend the workshop free of charge, to visit the exhibition and to meet researchers involved, just call the contact center of Città della Scienza tel. +39 081/7352220, 222, 258, 259 or by email to contact@cittadellascienza.it