Today, 21th of September, a delegation of representatives of China Radio International came to visit Città della Scienza for the first time.

China Radio International, founded in 1941, is the first radio-broadcasting channel at national level, and its Italian division, based in Rome, is responsible for production and dissemination of contents and broadcasts from Italy to China, that convey the country image, as well as dissemination of online and offline networking activities.

The delegation, led by Vice-Minister Wang Gengnian – currently Director General of China Radio International – has also involved Lin Kun, CEO of China Plus Technologies and Giovanni Cubeddu, director of the Italian broadcasting section.

Aim of the visit, organized in collaboration with the Department of Internationalization, Startup and Innovation of the Campania Region and Sviluppo Campania, was to illustrate the activities carried out by Città della Scienza in the context of education, innovation and business creation ecosystems: with regard to these sectors, there have been interventions by Vincenzo Lipardi – CEO  of Città della Scienza – Eduardo Imperiali – Director of Business Development of Sviluppo Campania, the Councillor Valeria Fascione, Giorgio Ventre – professor of University Federico II of Naples, Bruno Uccello – President of AT Coroglio – and finally Mariangela Contursi – Director of the Business Innovation Center (BIC) of Città della Scienza.

During the round table, there emerged conditions for a mutual understanding, both for the launch of joint projects and for the involvement of China Radio International in several activities coordinated by Città della Scienza – first of all the Italy-China Science, Technology & Innovation Week 2016 – as a media partner.


Visita di una delegazione di China Radio International a Città della Scienza