“The Italy-China Week of Science, Technology and Innovation is held between 3 and 7 December 2018.
In order to enhance the most important internationalization meeting with China, Rome and Beijing have decided to reschedule the dates of the event set for October 22 to 25, for the week between 3 and 7 December.
The event will be inaugurated in the presence of the Minister of Education Marco Bussetti and the Minister of Science and Technology Wang ZhiGang.
The program is being redefined and will be published shortly on our website.
The expiry of the Call for registration for innovators (researchers, companies, startups) for participation in the event is extended to 31 October. (The registration form will be available soon).

For more information
Città della Scienza
Casa Cina – Centro Internazionale di Trasferimento tecnologico
email: cina@cittadellascienza.it
tel: 081 73 52448