The Sino-Italian Exchange Event was launched in 2007 by Città della Scienza, under a mandate of the Campania Regional Government, as a multiannual program for scientific and technological cooperation with China, especially with the Beijing Association for Science and Technology-BAST on behalf of the Beijing Municipality. In the eleven years of the program management, the initiative succeeded in gathering more than 3,500 Italian and Chinese professionals, with many agreements signed, and in extending the areas of cooperation across different regions and provinces in China.
Thanks to the results achieved, in 2012 the SIEE was included in a “Joint Statement” signed by the Italian and Chinese ministers of Research as one of the most significant exchange and cooperation initiatives between the two countries.
(The day’s work will be held in Italian and Chinese with a translation service provided).
Moderator: Alessandro Longo, Journalist, Director of Agenda
- Welcome addresses by Giuseppe Albano, Commissioner of Città della Scienza
- Xu Wei, Deputy Director of Beijing Science and Technology Consulting Center
- Sergio Minucci, Delegate for Internationalization of the University of Campania Vanvitelli and Representative of the Regional Conference of Universities
- John Zhang, Secretary General of ITTN(International Technology Transfer Network)
- Armando Brunini, Vice President for International Affairs, Unione Industriali Napoli
- Shao Jinwen, Vice-President of Beijing Academy of Science and Technology
- Antonio Marchiello, Regional Minister for Scientific Research and Economic Development
– Scientific Video Performance
Emerging Technologies for the Advancement of Societies
Moderator: Alessandro Longo, Journalist, Director of Agenda
- Matteo Lorito, President of the Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Naples Federico II about Modern Agriculture
- Li Dong, Vice-Director of Beijing Research Institute for Nutritional Resources: Focus on nutrition and pursue health: the new progress of nutrition and health research and development in China
- Giovanna Romano, Researcher on Marine Biotechnology at the Zoological Station Anton Dohrn Naples
- Hou Tongxiao, General Manager Beijing Science and Power New Technology Development Corp: Introduction of BJAST’s Technology Transfer and incubation platform construction mode
- Mario Di Bernardo, Professor of Automatic Control, Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, University of Naples Federico II
Launch of the Matteo Ricci Universities Network
by the University of Naples Parthenope
The meeting will focus on nutrition, dietetics and food sciences looking at the advancement of research and its applications. Topics of interests includes for example the study of nutrients, energy metabolism and its regulation, the influence of dietary components on human health status, public health nutrition and all the relevant topics of nutritional sciences.
Moderator: Gianfranco Nappi, Responsible for Food and Nutrition Programs at Città della Scienza
Chinese participants:
- Li Dong, Director of Beijing Institute of Nutritional Resources
- Liu Lan, General Secretary of Beijing Dietetic Association
Italian participants
- Maria Grazia Volpe, Institute of Food Sciences-CNR and Senior Member of the Italian Society of Human Nutrition
- Paola Vitaglione, Professor of Physiology, Faculty of Agrifood Sciences, University of Naples Federico II
- Alberto Ritieni, Professor of Food Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Naples Federico II
- Gabriele Riccardi, Professor of Endocrinology, Faculty of Medicine Sciences, University of Naples Federico II
- Livia Augustin, Researcher in Nutrition Clinical Trial, National Institute for Cancer Pascale, Naples
- Giuseppe Sorrentino, Institute of Agriculture and Forestry in the Mediterranean-ISAFOM-CNR
- Other experts from Research Institutes and Universities
Italian and Chinese acoustics experts will exchange on cutting-edge theoretical knowledge and practical achievements in the fields of noise technologies and vibration control, electric acoustics, building acoustics, ultrasonic and so on.
Moderator by: Rosario Romano, professor at Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Naples Federico II
Chinese participants:
- Zhu Yidan, Beijing Acoustic Society
- Ren Baiji, Shanghai Fund Acoustics Engineering Co., Ltd
- Li Hui, Acoustic Engineer of Beijing Deshang Jingjie Technology Development Co.,Ltd
Italian participants
- Raffaele Dragonetti, Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Naples
- Moritz Recke, Start-up projects on noise monitoring
- Silvia Lanzalone, Senior researcher, CRM-Centro Ricerche Musicali di Roma (Centre for Music Research)
- Sergio Pone, Faculty of Architecture, University of Naples Federico II
- Sergio Russo Ermolli, Faculty of Architecture, University of Naples Federico II
- Luigi Ianace, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”
Other experts from Research Institutes and Universities
The working group will introduce the most innovative methodologies used in schools for science education, coding and digital technologies in school programs and classrooms. The discussion will concern exchanges of practices in academic research and school experiences about Classroom teaching, technology education and Education management exchanges with primary and secondary schools.
Moderator: Giorgio Ventre, Member of the Ministerial Commission for Primary and Middle Schools Guidelines Programs, Director of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, University of Naples Federico II
Chinese speakers :
- Wang Lu, Beijing Academy of Learning Science
- Zhang Yan, Beijing Haidian District Wanquan Primary school
- Li Jiamao, Beijing No.18 High School
- Shen Hongbin, General Manager of Beijing Nenayu Technology Co.,Ltd.
Italian speakers:
- Department of Education of Regione Campania about school mobility and exchange
- Flora Di Martino, Coordinator of Education programs at Città della Scienza: Introduction of innovative didactic practices about coding and 3D printing
- Teachers from Network of Schools engaged in hackathon competition, leaded by experts of the STMicroelectronics
- Federica Tortora, Innovation Hub Intesa San Paolo
- Orazio Miglino, Experimental research in Education from the Department of Human Sciences, University of Naples Federico II
- Luca Tesauro, Giffoni Hub
- Other experts from Research Institutes and Universities
Networking meeting or visit with representatives of the Conservatories of Music in Campania with Chinese organizations :
- Beijing Musical instrument Association
- Beijing Musical Instrument Research Institute
The session is addressed to Italian and Chinese startups and SMEs with the aim to introduce opportunities and tools for internationalization in Italy and China.
Moderator: Alessandro Longo, Journalist, Director of Agenda
Addresses by Valeria Fascione, Regional Minister for Internationalization Start-up and Innovation, Campania Region
Introduction by
- Mariangela Contursi, General Director of Campania NewSteel
- John Zhang, Secretary General of International Technology Transfer Network- ITTN
Understanding the Chinese and Italian ecosystems for start-ups
- Yao Weike, Representative of the China Association for International Science and Technology Cooperation (CAISTC)
- Raffaele Belli, Delegate for Digital Transformation for Young Entrepreneurs, Unione Industriali di Napoli
- Cui Jing, Director of Innovation Cultivation Department of Beijing Science and Technology Consulting Center (BSTCC)
Exploring the opportunities and tools for soft-landing in Italy and China
- Massimo Calzoni, Invitalia
- Liang Gang, Haibang Chuangzhi Investment Management Ltd.
- Mauro Draoli, AgID- Agency for Digital Italy
- Wang Bo, GNSS & LBS Association of China
- Andrea Cappai, Bugnion SpA
- Hu Bin, Beijing Rongkun Capital & Haozheng Songyue Fund Management Co., Ltd
- Enrico Iaria, CEO Dooplus
Strategies of Circular Economy for Urban Agglomeration
Outcomes of the joint research project between the University of Naples Parthenope and the Beijing Normal University and discussion with stakeholders.
Sergio Ulgiati, Professor – Department of Science and Technology, Parthenope University of Napoli
Liu Gengyuan, Professor – School of Environment, Beijing Normal University
- Giuseppe Cozzolino, Director of Metropolitan City of Naples
- Michele Buonomo, President of Greener Italia, Nocera Superiore
- Antonino Esposito, Director of Hotel & Restaurants Zero Waste, Penisola Sorrentina
- Luca Pucci, ECOEM (WEEE collection and recycling), Pontecagnano
- Giovanni De Angelis, Director of ANICAV (National Federation of Tomatoes Processing Companies), Naples
- Luca Papa, PROTEG SPA (Processing of animal by-products and regenerating vegetable oils and fats and animal exhausted) Caivano
Visit to Corporea Museum and the Beauty of Imaging Exhibition
Visits of best Practices by groups of interest to the New Technological Pole of University of Naples Federico II in San Giovanni (Eastern Naples). The Pole is a sample of open innovation system in the fields of education, research and industry. The Pole hosts the Apple and Deloitte Academies, CESMA Manufacturing Laboratories, Incubation spaces.
SIDE EVENT – Ischia Island
Thermalism and traditional Chinese medicine, two natural medicine worlds: sharing experiences
Venue Grand Hotel delle Terme Re Ferdinando
Napoli, Città della Scienza
Via Coroglio 57 e 104