8:00 – 9.00 > REGISTRATION
Newton Hall
Chinese and Italian musicians of the Conservatory of Naples San Pietro a Majella
Vincenzo Lipardi · Chief Executive Officer, Città della Scienza
Yan Aoshuang · Director General, Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission
Vincenzo Boccia · President, Confindustria
Li Ruiyu · Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Italy
Luigi de Magistris · Mayor, Naples Municipality
Vincenzo De Luca · Governor, Campania Region
Presentation by Remo Morzenti Pellegrini, Rector, University of Bergamo
and Alessandra Scagliarini, Vice Rector for International Relations, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna
Introduction by Valeria Fascione · Regional Councillor for Internationalization, Startups and Innovation, Campania Region
Italy-China best startups showcase
Presentation by Marco Cantamessa · President, PNI Cube
China-Italy Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition
Presentation by Giuliano Noci · Vice-Rector for China Polytechnic of Milan
Wan Gang · Minister of Science and Technology
Stefania Giannini · Minister of Education, University and Research
AWARD CEREMONY of the China-Italy Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation Contribution Award (2nd Edition)
Introduction by Elda Morlicchio, Rector, University of Naples L’Orientale
Prizes will be given by Vittorio Silvestrini, President, Città della Scienza
5G, the Road to a Better Connected World
Address by Wu Jianjun · Director of 5G R&D Huawei European Innovation Institute
The European Union – China cooperation on Research and Innovation for creating new horizons and development model
This session aims to strengthen the dialogue between the European strategy in research and innovation included in the HORIZON2020 framework and the Made in China 2025 Plan.
Moderator: Gaetano Manfredi · President, Conference of the Italian Universities Rectors
Vincenzo Amendola · Under Secretary, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Maria Cristina Russo · Director of International Cooperation – DG for Research & Innovation European Commission
Chen Jiachang · Deputy Director General for China and EU cooperation, Ministry of Science & Technology
Francesco Grillo · Advisor for Innovation to the Italian Minister for Education, University and Research, and Academic Visitor at Oxford University
Seminar 1: Strategies for Prevention in Health
Averroè Hall
Since the project of the China’s national health care reform was unveiled, the bilateral cooperation between China and Italy in the sector has been growing and intensifying. If the first stage of reforms saw a big effort in the acquisition of technologies for disease treatment, nowadays the Country has reached the second stage by putting prevention first.
Representatives of the Italian Ministry of Health will provide interesting analysis about the operational and strategic role of institutional actors by illustrating the Italian mechanism in this sense.
Moderator: Giuseppe Martini · Responsible for Health Programs, Città della Scienza
Giuseppe Paolisso · Rector, Second University of Naples
Raniero Guerra · Director-General for Health Prevention, Italian Ministry of Health
How does we really scale up healthcare?
Li Jing · Assistant Director, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Fuwai Hospital
RX Free Mammograph for Early Breast Cancer Detection
Gianluigi Tiberi · UBT SRL Umbria bioengineering technologies – Spin Off of University of Perugia
New Technologies for Particle Radiotherapy
Silva Bortolussi • National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN)
Chinese Acupuncture: History, Development and Application
Wang Linpeng · M. D., Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Integrated imaging diagnostic and disease prevention
Andrea Soricelli · Research Institute SDN and University of Naples Parthenope
Landing Italian BioMedical Products in China and Further Marketing explore
Dai Rujun · Managing Director, Beijing Ted Rehabilitation Technology Co., Ltd.
Sino-Italian International Joint Laboratory for Medical research, Innovation and Technoloise and know How Transfer. A Model to be supported by PPP bilateral Public Institutions Private factories scientific and economic support
Franco Naccarella · Euro China Society for Health Research and Technologies Transfer Europe Italy China Srl – China Italy Joint Research Laboratories
Seminar 2: Advanced Healthcare in Action
Room E
Moderator: Alfredo Budillon · Chief Experimental Pharmacology Unit, Institute for Cancer Research and Treatment – IRCCS “G. Pascale Foundation”
Enrico Coscioni · Regional Councelor for Health, Campania Region (tbc)
Noninvasive breast cance r detec tion by mass spec trometry-base d profiling of exhaled breath and plasma
Rosaria Orlandi · Dept. of Experimental Oncolgy and Molecular Medicine, IRCCS Foundation, National Tumor Institute
Innovation boost “one belt one way” the development of health
Cheng Gang · Beijing Kang Lisheng Pharmaceutical Technology Development Co., Ltd.
The floating building
Ciro Verdoliva · Commissioner, New Hospital of the Sea
Celocentesis: an exclusive technique of prenatal diagnosis by coelomic fluid fetal cells
Aurelio Maggio · Fondazione Franco e Piera Cutino – A.O.O.R. Villa Sofia – Cervello – Department of Hematology and Oncology “Villa Sofia – V.Cervello” Hospital
Non-invasive Genetic Detection Introduction of Effirm Liquid Biopsy Platform
Liao Wei · Founder, Yihuo Bio
How to give an integrated response to the population’s health needs in an urban area
Angelo Tanese · General Manager, ASL Roma 1
New technologies in Radiotherapy treatment
Paolo Muto · Director of Radioterapy, Institute for Research and Treatment – IRCCS “G. Pascale Foundation”
Knowledge technologies for building innovative e-health applications
Giuseppe De Pietro · Ehealthnet scarl
Seminar 3: Aerospace
Montessori Room
The panel will focus on the needs and priorities that the national aerospace stakeholders have developed over the last years based on global market trends and sector policies at European and international level. In this sense, the aerospace sector aggregates players at different level both in the air transport sector, meeting the challenge of “smart, eco-sustainable and integrated transport system”, and in space research requiring to safeguard and develop a competitive space industry aimed to fundamental enabling
Moderator: Luigi Carrino · President, CIRA-Italian Aerospace Research Centre and President, DAC – Campania Aerospace Technological District
Present and potential collaboration between Italy and China in the Aerospace Sector
Marcello Onofri · President, Italian Technological Cluster of excellence CTNA
SpaceStar – The Satellite Application Pioneer of China
Lin Mo · Director, China Academy of Space Technology
Novel ISRU and ISFR technologies for space exploration
Giacomo Cao · University of Cagliari – DIMCM (Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering) & Sardinian AeroSpace District (DASS)
Advanced composite materials for space propulsion and possible synergies with different high tech
Francesca Lillo · AVIO SpA
Development and Application of manufacturing equipments for aerosapce composite materials
Yuan Chongxin · Commericial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd. Beijing Aeronautical Science and Technology Research Institute
Testing Applications in Aerospace Market
Bruno Fazzari · Bosch Rexroth (PEBRIT)
Introduction of Scientific Research and Cooperation – National Space Science Center, CAS
Liu Chao · Associate Research Fellow, National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences
MOU and recent planned collaborations between CASC and CRAS-Sapienza in Space Propulsion
Francesco Nasuti · School of Aersopace Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome
Cooperation Opportunities Between China VA ST and Chinese Aerospace
Yang Yun · Vice-President, China VAST Industrial Urban Development Company Limited
Multifunctional Structures for Small Satellites Development
Antonio Salomè · Director, ARES Consortium and Cesare Dionisio · Advisor, ARES Consortium
Satellite images applications made by using automated procedures
Giovanni Laneve · School of Aersopace Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome
Seminar 4: Smart Living Technologies
Modotti Room
The SLT panel will focus on the domestic, shared, interoperability ecosystems for sustainable, safe and comfortable living making each home a functional place of a more extended Smart Community, opening up domestic environments to new opportunities of Smart Cities and Smart Grids. The project conducted by the cluster suggests new domestic approach, in which home is a combination of different sharing and interoperability ecosystems. Home will have a complete technological style, based on interfaces’ integration and sensors for ambient intelligence to achieve the interoperability of system.
Moderator: Nicoletta Amodio · Education and Innovation Area, Confindustria
Pietro Siciliano · President, Italian Technological Cluster, TAV
Mobile apps for the Internet of Things
Alessandro Antonio Nacci and Riccardo Cattaneo · Sofia SRL
Wisdom Lit up Life
Xue Shanshan · Broadband Wireless Network Application Industry Alliance
The smart grid, the Wisdom of Life
Chen Yeqiu · Jiangsu Zhongke Heavy Industry Co., Ltd
The importance of IoT and Control Unit in Smart City
Mariarosaria Russo · Knowledge Environment Security
Measures the liveability of the neighbourhood with Qirate
Leonardo Da Zovo, STUDIOMAPP s.r.l.
Seminar 5: Green Chemistry
Room F
The scope of the green chemistry, aimed at reducing the environmental impact of chemical substances and fuels by developing alternative and sustainable technologies, will be exposed and presented during a specific panel. By triggering the development of biobased industries, the green chemistry approach could result in a key strategy for pursuing the environmental, social and economic sustainability reforms in China.
Moderator: Luigi Ambrosio · Director, Department of Chemical Sciences and Materials Technology – National Research Council (CNR)
Giovanni Sannia · Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Naples Federico II
Natural Organic Matter for soil remediation and for sequestration of carbon in agricultrual soils
Alessandro Piccolo · Interdepartmental Research Centre CERMANU, University of Naples Federico II
The Application of rare earths in high-tech Industries
Yang Zhanfeng · President, Baotou Research Institute of Rare Earths
Second life: turning agro-industrial wastes into value-added compounds
Antonio Zuorro · Lab iBeta – Dept Engineering, Chemistry Materials Environment, Sapienza University of Rome
Mineral resources development of the green chemical technology and new materials
Liu Zuohua · College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Chongqing University
A “City” to Change a City. Air Pollution Control Strategies of Yancheng Enviormental Protection Science and Technology City
Zhao Hua · Deputy Director, Technology Transfer Center, Yancheng Insitute of Technology
Advanced Materials for Research in the Agrifood Sector
Gianpaolo Varchetta · MAREA Scarl
Seminar 6: Clean-tech and Environment
Vico Room
While recent Chinese policy developments have shown that China intends to seriously pursue new, While recent Chinese policy developments have shown that China intends to seriously pursue new, low-carbon sources of energy in order to meet this growing demand and mitigate impacts on the environment, more and more implications for business and joint investments will result by the rapid development of more affordable clean tech products and services, benefiting the economies and environments of both nations and requiring a set of specific supportive policies.
Particular attention could be devoted to the topics of waste management and water treatment techniques in order to enhance urban living conditions and minimize the environmental impact of industrial activities.
Raimondo Orsini · Director, Foundation for Sustainable Development
Agrowaste management: reuse of biomasses for crop and plant protection
Mario Malinconico · Institute for Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials-IPCB, National Research Council (CNR)
Play the role of Associations to promote Energy Conservation
Pan Lu · Secretary General, Beijing Construction Energy Efficiency and Environmental Engineering Association
Sustainable Water Management: water and sediments treatment
Raffaele Cioffi · Department of Engineering, University of Naples “Parthenope”
The application of rare earths in high-tech industries
Wang Yan · Baotou Research Institute of Rare Earths
Energy and Resource Recovery from Wastewater: Advanced Technologies and Future Challenges
Vincenzo Naddeo · Department of Civil Engineering, University of Salerno
Establishment of Cooperative Platform for China Mutual Insurance Agency of Good Energy Effc iency Buildings
Huang Zhenli · Vice President, China Association of Building Energy Efficiency
Clean Tec hnologies for water re-use and waste treatment under circular ec onomy direc tives
Sabino Bufo · Dept. of Sciences, University of Basilicata
The Role of the Chemist in Environmental protection (proposal about training)
Fabrizio Martinelli · President, Interregional Association of Chemists of Lazio, Umbria, Abruzzo and Molise
Ezio Riggi · Institute for the Propagation of Tree Specie-IVALSA, National Research Council (CNR)
Insect OBPs for rapid detection of cellular oxidative stress
Patrizia Falabella · University of Basilicata – Sciences
Jellyfish: old Eastern food becomes the Western novel food – Blue Growth resource and multicultural, ethnic adaptation
Antonella Leone · Institute of Sciences of Food Production – National Research Council (CNR)
Seminar 7: Smart communities
Archimede Hall
As globally recognized, social and environmental objectives can be better pursued in urban environment where the potential of various actors combines with the use of electronic networks and the Internet forming alliances and partnerships in order to innovate and extract new economic and social value. A “Smart Communities” panel will therefore focus on the way cities make conscious efforts to innovatively employ ICTs targeting economic development, organizational performances and high quality of living.
Moderator: Mauro Annunziato · ENEA
Smart Communities Vision and Perspective in Italy-China collaboration
Laura Morgagni · Secretary General, Italian Technological Cluster on Smart Communities Technologies
Andrea Gumina · Senior Policy Advisor
DEMO (innovation) China Intelligence community-practice of international technology transfer
Pan Zhihua · CEO, Goubgroup
A joint Italian-Chinese R&D on cloud computing techniques
Marco Maggiora · National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN)
Fields of Gold – Internet of Things for a Smart Agriculture
Paolo Iasevoli · Evja
The Italian market of the IntelligenT Transport System (ITS)
Domenico Leonardo · Project manager, TTS Italia
The development of internet of things should be people oriented
Wang Chunhui · Dean, Institute of China ICT Development & Strategy, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Advanced services and products for critical systems engineering
Anna Lanzaro · Critiware Srl
The Logic of Chinese Science and Technology in Intelligent Communities
Li Yue · Chief Executive Officer, Beijing ZhongKeXueDao Science & Technology Co., Ltd
Seminar 8: Open innovation
Ippocrate Room
Enhancing competitiveness through the employment of technological skills and external sources from university research and innovative startups environment: this is the challenge and the opportunity for SMEs following open innovation model. The panel is focused on experiences and cooperation opportunities in this field.
Moderator: Sergio Cavalieri · China-Italy Technology Transfer Centre – CITTC
Mario Calderini · Counsellor for Innovation, Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research
Technology Transfer: an International open System model
Emanuele Fiore · Senior Technologist, Institute for Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials, National Research Council of Italy (CNR)
Open technology Transfer – Peking University Technology Transfer Center
Li Shijie · Deputy Director, Office of Science and Technology Development of Peking University
Additional opportunities to bridge Italy and China with Open Innovation approach
Gabriele Accado · Innoventually
China FOF Alliance and Its Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Tang Jincao · Secretary General, China FOF Alliance
From Made in China to Created in China. What is in Between
Claudio Petti · Department of Engineering for Innovation, University of Salento
Experience Sharing Promote Technology Transfer with Whole Industry Chain Thinking
Zhang Lijun · Director, CAS Resources Platform, Beijing National Technology Transfer Center of CAS
The Role of Technology Transfer and Geographical Proximity in Requalification of Marginal Urban Areas
Stefano de Falco, University of Naples Federico II
Seminar 9: Design
Room Bic 19
The design sector is presented as one of the most promising area of intersection and cooperation between Italy and China in the near future. The two countries share a common background, rooted in ancient knowledge and expressions, which is highly complex and rich in material and immaterial values. In fields that nowadays are strategic for design, such as processing of pottery and silk, China and Italy share common roots that met and influenced each other during the past, foreshadowing the current prospects of creative cooperation. The panel will analyse the different aspects that the encounter between Italian and Chinese experiences assumes in relation to the design, addressing the issues of universities’ cooperation in teaching methodologies, the relationship between design, production and market in driven-design sectors, the launch of creative business and construction of collaborative networks.
Moderator: Plinio Innocenzi · Science and Technology Counsellor, Embassy of Italy in China
Caribio Cautela · School of Design of the Polytechnic University of Milan, China-Italy Design and Innovation Centre
Design and research: the post-digital scenario
Patrizia Ranzo · DICEA (Civil Engineering, Design Building and Environment), Second University of Naples
The Importance of Rational Emotion in Design
Li Xin · President, MOT DESIGN Co., Ltd
Taking Care
Salvatore Cozzolino · President, ADI (Association for Industrial Design)
Research on Service Design of Heathcare for the Elderly Sustainable Design-driver Innovation
Chen Hong · Associate Professor, School of Art Design and Media, East China University of Science and Technology
TDW 2014-2016: The Tianjin Design Week experience
Massimiliano Campi · University of Naples Federico II
Innovation in Design
Francesco Costa · CARPISA
Seminar 10: Education programs & Agora (Part I)
Saffo hall
Raising the capacity building of people is an important aspects for mutual understanding, friendship and S&T cooperation between Italy and China. The session will focus on human capital, looking at best practices and opportunities
for language training, exchange and mobility programs, training and communication actions in three areas: education, higher education and science communication. Scope of the session is to consolidate the networking between Italy and China also on these important areas in order to foster new programs, projects and new collaborations.
The first session will gather representatives from the three areas of action for a common discussion about policies, practices and programs.
Moderator: Carlo Sbordone · University of Naples Federico II, Accademia dei Lincei
Lucia Fortini · Regional Councillor of Education, Campania Regional Government
Luo Ping · Counsellor of Education, Embassy of People Republic of China in Italy
Maria Letizia Melina · Director General for Students, Development and Internationalization of the Higher Education – Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research
Elda Morlicchio · Rector, University of Naples L’Orientale
Lucio d’Alessandro · Rector, University of Studies Suor Orsola Benincasa
Higher education
Federico Cinquepalmi · Director, Higher Education Internationalization Office – Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research
Rossella Schietroma · Director at the Education Internationalization Office – Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research
Science popularization
Mario Salvi · President, Science Festival Bergamo Scienza
Dai Jie · Deputy Director, Office of Science & Technology of the Beijing Normal University
Seminar 11: Traditional Chinese Medicine - First Part
Room Bic 27
The traditional Chinese medicine can be considered as a sum of medicine practices within the scope of a broad tradition.
The panel will explore the potential use of the traditional medicine as a complementary or primary therapy considering the increasing degree of recognition and acceptance of TCM by European governments and institutions. The interaction between Chinese and Italian experts will be also directed at pointing out areas for further joint research activities.
Samuele Barbaro Paparo · Director, International Master II level in “Integration between Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome
Lu Hua · President, Teaching Hospital of Chengdu University of TCM
Carlo Maria Giovanardi · President, Italian Federation of Acupuncture Societies (FISA)
He Jialang · Executive Member, World Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Nerve Growth Factor and Acupuncture
Samuele Barbaro Paparo and Morena Anna Guaragna · International Master II level in “Integration between Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome
Introduction to TCM “One Belt One Road” International Cooperation
Lu Hua · President, Teaching Hospital of Chengdu University of TCM
Environmental Pollutants and their influence in Gynecological Oncology
Donatella Caserta · Full Professor in Obstetrics & Gynecology, Sapienza University of Rome
Succession and Clinical Application of TCM Classics
Hu Guohua · Chairman of Academic School Branch, China Association of Chinese Medicine
Therapeutic effectiveness of the Antique Chinese receipt Si Wu Tang on 40 women affected by dysmenorrhea
Ottavio Iommelli · Director of TCM. Dept. of S. Paolo Hospital, AIFF (Italian Assoc. of Phytoterapia and Phytopharmacology), Second University of Naples
Tensile Structure
ROUNDTABLES: Education Programs & Agora (Part II)
Raising the capacity building of people is an important aspects for mutual understanding, friendship and S&T cooperation between Italy and China. The session will focus on human capital, looking at best practices and opportunities for language training, exchange and mobility programs, training and communication actions.
Three afternoon roundtables are organised to facilitate the exchange of practices and proposals between leading representatives of each area of action: education, higher education and science communication
ROUND TABLE 1: Education – Room G
Moderator: Pietro Greco · Responsible for the Study Centre, Città della Scienza
Paola Paderni · Confucius Institute of Naples, University of Naples L’Orientale
Representative of Enrico Fermi High School of Ascoli Piceno
Maria Masella · Director, Ancel Keys High School of Castelnuovo Cilento
Wu Jianmin · Principal of the Experimental Primary School, Beijing Normal University
Francesco Alario · Convitto Nazionale of Rome
Paolo Aprile · Director, High School “Aldo Moro”, Santa Cesarea Terme
Rossella Schietroma · Director, Education Internationalization Office-Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research
Marco Traini · I.Tecnico Tecnologico – Ascoli Piceno
Simone Valenti · Univ. Politecnica delle Marche
Davide Travaglini · studente ITT
ROUND TABLE 2: Higher education – Room F
Moderator: Federico Cinquepalmi · Director, Office for Internationalization of the Higher Education – Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR)
Marco Polo and Turandot Programs: 10 years of mobility programs in HE betwee n China and Italy
Maria Antonietta Scalera · Office for Internationalization of the Higher Education – Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR)
ERASMUS Program inside and outside Europe: the most important EU mobility program
Paola Castellucci · Office for Internationalization of the Higher Education – Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR)
China and Italy exchanges: mobility and higher education’s perspectives
Giulia Hu · Education Office, Embassy of People’s Republic of China in Italy
Maria Valeria Del Tufo · Master International Trade and Management Behavior, Suor Orsola Benincasa University
Giovanni Finocchietti · Enic Naric Centre for Italy – Lisbon Convention
Leonella Grasso Caprioli · European Association of Conservatories (AEC)
He Xi · Office of International Exchange & Cooperation, Beijing Normal University
Rita Librandi · Delegate for Research, University of Naples L’Orientale
Carlo Santulli · Architecture and Design School of Camerino University
Sergio Ulgiati · University of Naples Parthenope
Marco Scaioni · Polytechnic of Milan
ROUND TABLE 3: Science Popularization – Room B
Moderator: Alessandra Drioli · Responsible of Science Centre, Città della Scienza
Antonella Poce · University of Rome 3
Paolo Giommi · Italian Space Agency
Kang Zhizhong · Associate Professor, Department of Remote Sensing, China University of Geosciences in Beijing
Filippo Camerota · Vice Director, Museo Galileo di Firenze
Michele Lanzinger · Director, MUSE Science Museum
Seminar 11: Traditional Chinese Medicine - Second Part
Room Bic 27
The traditional Chinese medicine can be considered as a sum of medicine practices within the scope of a broad tradition.
The panel will explore the potential use of the traditional medicine as a complementary or primary therapy considering the increasing degree of recognition and acceptance of TCM by European governments and institutions. The interaction between Chinese and Italian experts will be also directed at pointing out areas for further joint research activities.
Samuele Barbaro Paparo · Director of International Master II level in “Integration between Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome
Lu Hua · President of Teaching Hospital, Chengdu University of TCM
Carlo Maria Giovanardi · President, Italian Federation of Acupuncture Societies (FISA)
He Jialang · Executive Member, World Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Raniero Guerra · General Director for Health Prevention, Italian Ministry of Health
Experiences and Advantages in Major Complicated and Refractory Diseases Treated by Integrative TCM and WM
Yang Sijin · President of The Affiliated T.C.M. Hospital of Southwest Medical University
The Treatment of Chronic Pain with Acupuncture: Evidence Based Medicine
Carlo Maria Giovanardi · President, Italian Federation of Acupuncture Societies (FISA)
The Advantages and Clinical Research on TCM Preventing and Treating Allergic Rhinitis
Tian Li · Vice-President of Teaching Hospital of Chengdu University of TCM
Franco Menichelli · President, Italian Association of Acupuncture
Introduction to TCM New Drug Development
Li Mingquan · Vice-Director, National Chinese Medicine GCP Center of Teaching Hospital, Chengdu University of TCM
Project CHETCH China and Europe Taking Care of Healthcare Solutions
Mauro Devecchi · Medical Doctor, Acupuncturist, Association of Medical Acupuncturists of Bologna (AMAB)
It is an area dedicated to show & share Italian and Chinese projects realized through digital fabrication, with the aim to stimulate cooperation between Italian and Chinese makers, young talents, researchers, startups, entrepreneurs and students in several sectors (3D printing, electronics, prototyping, Manufacturing 4.0). It is organized by Città della Scienza and Maker Faire – the European Edition and will take place around the D.RE.A.M. FabLab (Design and Research in Advanced Manufacturing laboratory) of Città della Scienza. The main activities are:
25 booths available for Chinese and Italian participants to show their own projects, products, prototypes.
WORKSHOPS (11.00 to 13.00 pm) on the following topics: Biomedical; Design & Fashion; Architecture.
The workshops will be focused on the construction of 3 prototypes on the basis of projects pre-designed by DREAM FabLab experts.
BUSINESS EXHIBITION – Gallery: Public institutions and private companies to expose their projects and technologies
Promoted by Lazio Region and Lazio Innova
Meet in Italy for Life Sciences is an international brokerage event addressed to firms, researches, startups and investors, interested in new opportunities for technological, scientific and business collaboration.
On 28 October, the entire day will be dedicated to the international convention and workshop on relevant matters for the Life Sciences. Representatives from institutions, companies, clusters and research centers will join together to analyze and discuss strategies, challenges, weakness and opportunities on the specific topics.
Main sectors of discussion:
- Pharmaceutical/Nutraceutical
- Medical devices
- Biology/Biotechnology
- IT Applications for Health Medicine
- Human Health and well-being
- Related value chain activities