The Italy-China Science, Technology & Innovation Week Milan, Rome, Cagliari, Naples | 4-6 December 2018
Promoting the internationalization of research-enterprise innovative systems and cooperation in innovation, science and technology between Italy and China, is the main objective of the Italy-China Science, Technology & Innovation Week, to be held between 4-6 December 2018.
The Italy-China Science, Technology & Innovation Week represents a vital event of a permanent cooperation program between the two countries, and it is considered the largest European internationalization event between Italy and China. It merges two events, the Italy-China Innovation Forum (CIIF IX – edition) and the Sino-Italian Exchange Event (SIEE – XII edition). Moreover, two Side Regional Events in Rome and Cagliari will be organized.
– 4 DECEMBER, Milan | Italy China Innovation Forum
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– 5 DECEMBER, Rome | Rome side event: Innovation and Technology for Smart Health & Smart Culture. The new frontiers towards Road to 50
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– 6 DECEMBER, Cagliari | Cagliari side event: Research and Innovation for Peripheral Provinces: the new frontiers of ICTs, Physics and Astrophysics
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– 6 DECEMBER, Naples | Sino-Italian Exchange Event
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The program of the event follows a format consolidated over the years including seminars, workshop and round-table discussions on relevant topics in areas of mutual interest for the two Countries; one-to-one meetings among Italian and Chinese universities, institutions and enterprises; and visits to Italian Centers of Excellence.
Call for participation
The events scheduled in the program are open to all enterprises, and public and private subjects (research centers, universities, national technological clusters, enterprises and start-ups, innovative districts, science and technology parks, and trade associations) based in Italy, that operate in products and/or processes of innovation and/or in scientific and technological research, and are interested in internationalization activities and in cooperation with potential partners and customers from the People’s Republic of China. If you are a Chinese organization interested in participating to the event, please contact
In order to participate in the one-to-one meetings and working sessions you are asked to complete a registration form and await for the confirmation email from Città della Scienza. The event is free. Please Click on the following link to access the Registration form
If you are interested in participating in our one-to-one meetings, the deadline for registration is 11 November 2018.
Services offered
Participants will:
- Participate in the one-to-one meetings organized on the basis of previous matching activities by Città della Scienza and Chinese partners upon the publication of their own company-profile on the event catalogue;
- Have linguistic support during the scheduled one-to-one meetings and the working sessions;
- Participate in the roundtables, seminars and workshops defined by the Italian organizers according to the identified needs;
- Have logistic and technical assistance on site;
Travel and accommodation expenses are paid directly by the participants.
For more information:
Città della Scienza
Casa Cina – International Center for Technology Transfer
ph: 081 73 52448
From 2016, the Italy-China Innovation Week includes an initiative to compare the best experiences of innovative “market proven” start-ups in the two countries. The next edition will be enriched by the Italian-China Maker Space, a space designed to encourage startup services and to develop acceleration programs based on specific technologies.
During the event the startups will have the opportunity to present their project with a pitch and have one-to-one meetings. The showcase will be a launching pad for a program that will end in 2019 in China on the occasion of the next Innovation Week. It is expected a cash prize for the most promising realities.
Organized under the aegis of the Ministries, the initiative is co-organized by Campania NewSteel srl and International Technology Transfer Network (ITTN) in collaboration with PNI Cube, POLIHUB and TusStar.
During the main day, all participants will have the opportunity to visit the “Showcase of Cooperation”, an exhibition area that presents the activities and protagonists of the program, with all the results (prototypes, technologies, research) born thanks to the projects partnerships launched in recent years in innovative research and business contexts between Italy and China.
In Italy, the initiative is promoted by the Ministry of Education, University and Research-MIUR, in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation – MAECI and is coordinated by Città della Scienza of Naples, on the basis of the Framework Agreement signed in 2013 among MIUR, MAECI, Ministry of Economic Development, ITA – Italian Trade Agency, the Agency for Digital Italy (AgID) and Città della Scienza. The initiative also counts on the strong collaboration with the National Research Council (CNR), Confindustria, the National Technological Clusters, as well as the main Italian Universities and Research Centers.
Moreover, the SIEE is promoted by the Campania Region, while the regional side events are supported by the Lazio and the Sardinia Regions.
In China, the initiative is promoted by the Ministry of Science and Technology of PRC-MOST and organized by the Beijing Municipal S&T Commission–BMSTC, the Beijing Association for Science and Technology–BAST, member of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology – CAST and by other important Chinese organizations.